What were the first symptoms of cervical cancer?

Cervical cancer is one of the most common gynaecological malignant tumours, and morbidity and mortality rates are higher globally. The development of cervical cancer is a slow process, usually moving from cervix mesothelioma to immersive cervical cancer. Understanding early symptoms of cervical cancer is essential for early detection and treatment. The following are some of the earliest possible symptoms of cervical cancer:1. Post-sexual bleedingPost-sexual bleeding is one of the most common symptoms of early cervical cancer. When cervix skin cells are carcinogenic, they may become vulnerable to bleeding during sexual intercourse. This haemorrhage is usually slight and may be in the form of only dripping or blood, but it is an immeasurable warning signal.2. Irregular menstruationFemale genital bleeding during menstruation, especially after menstruation, should be of high vigilance. This haemorrhage may be an early sign of cervical cancer, indicating that cervical tissue may already have been affected by cancer cells.3. Extension or increase of menstruationCompared to normal menstruation, the extension of menstruation or an increase in menstruation may also be the early symptoms of cervical cancer. Changes in menstruation cycles are due to the possible impact of carcinogenic cells on the normal function of the cervix.4. Vaginal secretions anomaliesCervical cancer may lead to an increase in vaginal secretions, with the physical thinness of water or mucous liquids, and in some cases may be associated with different tastes. This change is due to the mixing of chromosomes from cervical cancer cells with normal chromosomes.5. Vaginal painDuring the early stages of cervical cancer, some patients may feel vaginal pain, especially during sexual intercourse. This pain may have been caused by the oppression or aggression of the surrounding organization by the carcinogenic tissue.6. Utility or excrementCervical cancer may cause symptoms of urination, excrement, etc. when it occurs in neighbouring organs such as bladders. These symptoms are easily confused with urinary system infections and need to be identified through a professional examination.7. Bone or lower abdominal painCervical cancer can cause discomfort or pain in the pelvic or lower abdomen. Such pain may be due to the growth of the tumor, which results in oppression or aggression of the surrounding tissue.Post-menopausal haemorrhageFor women who have undergone menopause, any form of vaginal bleeding can be a sign of cervical cancer. Post-menopausal haemorrhage requires immediate medical examination.9. Cervical decay or ulcerCervical cancer can cause ulcer or ulcers in the tissue of the cervix surface, which can be seen during gynaecological examinations.10. Cervical obesityCervical obesity may be one of the early manifestations of cervical cancer, usually detected during gynaecological examinations.AttentionThese symptoms are not distinct from cervical cancer, and other gynaecological diseases may cause similar symptoms.Since early cervical cancer may not have visible symptoms, regular cervical cancer screening (such as cervical smears) is important.Women of all ages, especially those with sexual history, should undergo regular gynaecological examinations.Importance of early diagnosis and treatmentEarly detection of cervical cancer can significantly improve the cure and survival rates. Cervical cancer screening is currently the most effective means of early detection. The following are recommended screening measures:Cervical smears (Pap smear): Periodic cervical smears detect changes in cervical abnormalities.Human papillomavirus (HPV) detection: HPV infection is the main risk factor for cervical cancer, and detection of HPV virus contributes to early detection of cervical cancer risk.Once diagnosed with cervical cancer, doctors develop treatment programmes based on the stagening of cancer, the age of the patient, the state of health and the preferences for treatment. The treatment of early cervical cancer includes surgery, treatment, chemotherapy or their combination.In general, understanding early symptoms of cervical cancer, regular gynaecological examinations and cervical cancer screening are essential to prevent the occurrence and progress of cervical cancer. If there are any abnormalities, professional medical assistance should be sought immediately.