Rheumatism is a chronic disease that causes many suffering to patients. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle plays a key role in supporting the treatment of the disease.
In terms of diet, a reasonable diet is a top priority. The first is to ensure a balanced nutritional intake and to select foods with high-quality proteins, such as skinny meat, fish, eggs and beans. Protein is an important part of the body cell and has an irreplaceable role in maintaining muscle strength and repairing damaged tissues. For example, high levels of protein in fish meat are easily absorbed into the human body, and fatty is mostly unsaturated fatty acid, which is good for the body. At the same time, the intake of vegetables and fruit needs to be increased. Vegetables and fruit are rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, which help to mitigate inflammatory response. For example, spinach contains a wealth of vitamin C, vitamin K and iron, broccoli contains radish sulphur and is a powerful antioxidant, while blueberries contain pheasant and are effective against the freedom base in their bodies. In addition, whole-grain foods, such as wheat bread, rough rice and so on, should be part of the staple foods, which are rich in dietary fibres and maintain normal metabolism in the body.
An adequate amount of sport is also essential for people with rheumatism. The practice of joint activity is very important, and patients can carry out simple daily activities to maintain joint flexibility. For example, daily stretching exercises of fingers and wrists, such as handshakes, the rotation of wrists, and slow stretching exercises on knees and ankles, are effective in preventing rigidity and spasms. Power training is also necessary and, where physical conditions permit, patients may exercise upper limb strength using lighter bells or exercise leg muscles by raising their straight legs. Appropriate force training enhances muscle support for joints and reduces joint burdens. Also, low-impact aerobics such as walking, swimming and cycling are recommended. In the case of swimming, the floating power of water reduces the pressure on the joint by body weight while at the same time being able to exercise the body muscle and improve the CPR function.
Periodicity also has far-reaching implications for the assisted treatment of rheumatism arthritis. Adequate sleep is a key factor in ensuring physical recovery and patients should try to ensure quality sleep of 7 – 8 hours per day. During sleep, the body is self-rehabilitated and adjusted, and the immune system is restored and strengthened. At the same time, be careful to rest and avoid overwork. The pain and swelling of the joints can be exacerbated by long periods of activity or overwork, and the patient needs to organize his/her activities and rest time and learn to listen to his/her body.
It is also important to maintain a positive mindset. Rheumatism is a chronic disease with a longer pathology, and patients are prone to negative feelings of anxiety, depression and the like. These negative emotions can affect the endocrine and immune systems of the body, thus exacerbating the condition. Patients can maintain a good mind by communicating with family and friends, by participating in social events or by developing a hobby, so that they can better cope with disease in positive emotions.