Acute larynx is acute inflammation of the larynx, mucous lymphoma and lymphoma, most commonly caused by viruses or bacteria during winter spring. Most of them are followed by acute nasal, acute nasal and acute tonsil. Incentives such as coolness, fatigue, incentives from chemical gases or dust, excessive smoking, etc., are often present before the onset of the disease, which can easily be caused by reduced human immunity. Acute disease occurs when the stomach is dry, hot, followed by pain, which increases when swallowing and coughing, and the sound is muted, speech difficult, sometimes with heat, discomfort, arthritis, headaches and appetite. Check the permafrost, swelling, bowing and stammering oscillations in the mouth and in the nasal mucous membranes, filtration in the back wall lymphs and red swollen swollen in the side of the saloon; seepage in yellow and white on the surface, swelling in the lower lymph knots and constriction.I. Causes of acute oscillitisInfectious: The most common causes of acute oscillitis are viral and bacterial infections.2. Environmental factors: Inhalation of excessive and productive dust, harmful gases such as chlorine, ammonia, sulphuric acid, nitrate, can cause acute inflammation in the throat.3. Allergies: Certain allergies, such as pollen, dust mites, animal fur, may cause an allergic reaction to the throat and cause acute oscillitis.4. Declining resistance: Factors such as labour, late nights, cooling and emotional volatility may lead to reduced human immunity, thereby increasing the risk of acute oscillation.5. Professional factors: teachers, actors, salespersons, etc. who have a higher voice, such as inappropriate sound or over-alphate, tend to have a higher incidence of acute aroma.6. Trauma: An alien or an instrument of examination damaged the mucous membrane of the larynx, which can also be followed by acute oscillitis.II. Clinical examination and diagnosisBlood protocolDue to most viral infections, the white cell count is more normal or low, and the associated lymphocytes are higher. The bacterial infections can be attributed to a central increase in the number of particle cells and a nuclear left.PathologyBecause of the variety of types of viruses and the lack of clear types of treatment, there is generally no need to identify pathogen tests. In cases of suspected bacterial infections, it is possible to develop bacteria to determine bacterial types and to conduct drug-sensitive tests to guide the use of clinical antibiotics.Breast X-rayNo routine check-ups are required, except for lower respiratory infections where a chest X-ray is feasible for a person with a more serious or longer condition.Symptoms and signs of the nasal larvae can be clinically diagnosed in combination with an examination of the surrounding blood elephant and negative chest X-rays. It is generally not necessary to diagnose the disease, and in exceptional cases bacterial training and the separation of viruses, or tests such as serovirus to determine the pathogen.Clinical treatment:1. Chinese medicine: In cases where only osteoporosis occurs, treatment may be provided using a combination herb coral pedigree, larynchophagus, yellow acoustic pills, etc. These drugs, which have the effect of pyrolysis and sorption, help to mitigate acute oscillation symptoms.Antibiotic treatment: In the case of acute oscillitis caused by bacterial infections, the patient shall be treated with antibiotics under the direction of a doctor. The commonly used antibiotics include penicillin, head bacterium, etc., e.g. sodium chlorosilin capsules, head scree. When antibiotics are used, the patient is required to take the medication on time, as prescribed by the doctor, and to refrain from self-activating or changing it.3. Antiviral treatment: In cases of acute oscillitis caused by viral infections, patients can be treated with antiretroviral drugs. Usual antiviral drugs benefit Bavirin, Ostave, etc. When using anti-viral drugs, patients should comply with medical instructions to take them on time and pay attention to the adverse effects of drugs.Treatment of symptoms: The treatment of symptoms can be carried out with the use of antithermal analgesics for patients with visible overall symptoms such as high fever and headaches. Common antithermal analgesics include brophens, acetaminophenol, etc. In the case of antithermal painkillers, the patient is required to take the medication on time, as prescribed by the doctor, and to observe changes in body temperature.5. Fuzzy inhalation treatment: For patients suffering from swollen oedema, aerosol inhalation treatment is available. Common aerosol inhalants are fusions, etc. Fuzzy inhalation treatment helps to reduce osteoporosis and pain.6. Surgical treatment: In general, acute oscillitis does not require surgical treatment. However, in the event of serious complications, such as acute trachea barriers, there is an urgent need for surgery, such as a trachea.The key to the prevention of acute oscillitis is to increase the body ‘ s immunity, avoid the contributing factors, such as a reasonable diet, frequent exercise, attention to voice habits, maintenance of indoor air flow and avoidance of overwork.
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