Today, in vitro technology has become a common tool for the treatment of infertility, and in vitro technology has a wider range of treatments than other treatment technologies. How many steps can it take to treat most infertility patients?
How many steps is there in the treatment of in vitro babies? First, the husband and the wife take the examination, and then come to the hospital for the two or three days of her menstruation, and then again after the woman’s menstruation is clean.
After the examination and assessment have determined that the conditions for the in vitro are met, the spouses establish a file, which is followed by a week.
When the ovulation is properly carried out for the woman after the week, the doctor arranges for the injection of the ovaries when the ovaries are mature, and the time between 34 and 37 hours is the time of the ovulation. The husband and the wife come to the hospital together to confirm the exact information and the woman takes the eggs and the man takes the sperm.
When sperm and eggs are removed from the body, they are sent to the laboratory and fertilized, and the fertilized eggs develop into embryos in the laboratory, from fertilizing to embryo formation, generally for a period of 3-5 days.
The number of embryo transplants to the female uterus is generally one or two.
After the transplant, a period of 12 to 14 days is allowed to draw blood to see if she is pregnant, and if she is pregnant, she has to return to the hospital after one month of the transplant and undergo a B+ check to confirm if she is pregnant.
If the transplant fails, the patient is advised to take a break of 2-3 months before the next cycle.
A few steps in the whole in vitro process are described above, and it is hoped that your questions will be answered. If you have more questions about infertility or artificially assisted pregnancy, you can leave a message or search Kunming Aveveve Hospital for more information.