Breast Cancer Definition Breast cancer is cancer that forms in breast tissue, usually in ducts (ducts that carry milk to the nipple) or lobules (glands that form milk).
2. Risk factors for breast cancer 1. Age: Age over 50, the higher the risk of breast cancer. 2. Gender: Women are more likely to suffer from breast cancer than men. 3. Family history: People with a history of breast cancer in their families have a relatively higher risk of breast cancer. 4. Hormone levels: Women who have been exposed to high levels of estrogen for a long time (such as never pregnant, long menstrual cycles, etc.) Have a higher risk of breast cancer. 5. Lifestyle: Unhealthy eating habits, lack of physical activity, excessive drinking and smoking may increase the risk of disease. Radiation exposure: People who have had radiation therapy to the chest are at higher risk.
Breast cancer symptoms Breast cancer early symptoms 1. Breast or axillary lumps: Breast lumps are mostly single, hard, irregular edges, but not always painful and smooth surface, activity is not strong. It should be noted that not all lumps in the breast are cancer, but if new lumps or changes in existing lumps are found, medical examination should be carried out immediately. 2. Skin changes: Breast skin may appear dimpled skin depression for dimple sign, wrinkles, orange peel-like changes or erythema and other symptoms. These changes may be due to the effect of the tumor on the surrounding tissue. 3. Changes in nipple or breast shape: Nipple inversion (especially if it has never happened before), changes in breast size or shape are also signs of concern, such as breast swelling, fever, etc. 4. Nipple secretion: Blood or other abnormal fluid flows from the nipple during non-lactation, especially from only one nipple, which should arouse vigilance. 5. Skin temperature increases or color changes: Some patients may have increased temperature or darker color in the breast area.
4. Breast cancer prevention and screening Although breast cancer cannot be completely prevented, the following measures can be taken to reduce the risk of breast cancer: 1. Maintain a healthy lifestyle: exercise regularly, limit alcohol intake, avoid smoking, and eat more fruits and vegetables. 2. Regular self-examination: breast self-examination can be conducted once a month. Pay attention to observe whether there are abnormal changes in the breast. 3. Professional screening: It is recommended that women receive a professional breast examination every year from the age of 40, such as breast ultrasound or molybdenum target photography. For high-risk individuals, more frequent examinations or more advanced imaging techniques such as MRI can be performed.
5. Conclusion If early detection of breast cancer is strengthened and advanced treatment methods are adopted, many patients can get effective treatment and enjoy a high quality of life. Early detection and early treatment are the key to fight against breast cancer. It is hoped that the information provided in this article will help you better understand breast cancer, so that you can take appropriate preventive measure and take a positive attitude towards this disease.