M.D.S. is going to have a couple of signs to warn you that it’s getting worse.

The conversion of MDS (the musculosis syndrome) to leukaemia is a gradual process of increase. In the process, a series of signs are coming to your body to warn you of the increased condition and the need for timely medical attention. Here are some common signals:

Increased anaemia:

MDS patients themselves suffer from symptoms of anaemia, such as paleness, dizziness and lack of strength. These symptoms increase as the conditions shift to leukaemia. Patients can feel clearly weak, dizziness, heart palpitation and so on, with a marked decrease in activity endurance.

The decrease in haemoglobin concentrations and the reduction in the number of red cells has led to an increase in the symptoms of anaemia.

2. Increased hemorrhage tendency:

MDS patients may have a tendency to haemorrhage, such as skin bruises, nose bleeding, tooth bleeding, etc. These symptoms can be further aggravated in the transition to leukaemia and may even result in internal haemorrhage, such as vomiting, black defecation, etc.

The decrease in the number of slabs and the deterioration of the coagulation mechanism have led to a significant increase in haemorrhage symptoms.

3. High incidence of fever and infection:

When MDS is converted to leukaemia, the patient ‘ s immune system function is severely impaired, resulting in a high incidence of infection and difficulty in controlling it. Patients frequently suffer from infections such as fever, cough and cough, and anti-infection treatment is ineffective.

The immune system reacts abnormally, with leukemia cells inhibiting the generation and functioning of normal immunosupulation cells, leading to a decrease in the immune capacity of the organism.

lymph swollen and spleen swollen:

When MDS is converted to leukaemia, an abnormal response from the immune system may lead to lymphocytes and lymphoma swollen. Large lymph knots are usually pain-free and mobile and may persist or grow.

Spleen swollenness is also one of the most common symptoms of MDS conversion. Leukemia cells are immersed in spleen, leading to an increase in spleen size, which may be associated with abdominal discomfort and pain in the upper left abdomen, with the risk of spleen infarction in serious cases.

5. Bone pain:

Leukemia cells are proliferating within the bone marrow, leading to bone pain. Pain can be severed in multiple parts of the body, such as the chest, the four limbs, etc.

In the light of the above, there are many signs in the body of the MDS when it turns white to warn you of an increase. In the event of these symptoms, the patient should immediately undergo a full medical examination to ascertain the condition and take effective treatment. At the same time, patients should maintain good living habits, avoid exposure to harmful substances, and take care of nutritional balance and adequate rest to support physical health.

Blood rehabilitation corridors in December 2024 (consultations are provided free of charge on a temporary basis until the end of the month)

We’re looking for 70 people with blood abnormalities, and we have a clinical teacher from a professional Chinese-Western medical team of specialists to help us analyze the situation and get to know the truth about blood disease!

# Don’t forget, ask attention #

I’ll teach you a good way to get rid of the disease!