Compared to diseases such as diabetes, gout, and other diseases, it appears that there are no special dietary requirements for straight spina. However, the following foods are not conducive to the control of the condition of patients with a direct spinal disease and should control intake or choose not to eat as much as possible.
High fat: During fat oxidation in the body, a ketone is produced, while excessive ketone is highly irritating the joint. For example, full-fat milk, fat, fried chicken, fries, etc. require less oil when cooking and soup.
Seafood: Because they contain urea acid, human absorption can produce urea acid crystallization at the joints, exacerbating joint symptoms. It’s like sea crabs, scallops, sea cucumbers, beaks, clams, sea belts, shrimps, etc.
Too acid: Too much food, such as pork, beef, eggs, which metabolizes produce acidic substances that tend to be acidic in the body, thus stimulating the tissue around the joints and exacerbating inflammation.
Too salty, high salt: high salty diet increases the excretion of calcium in urine and reduces the retention of calcium in the body, and can lead to osteoporosis in the long run, thus placing patients with high straight spina column at a higher risk of fracture, especially in the spinal and hip parts.
High starch: The intestinal tumour disorder is closely related to the disease of a strong straight spinal column, so the recommended patient is recommended for a low starch diet, i.e., reduced consumption of bread, potatoes, cake, etc.
Highly sugared foods and beverages: sugar, carbonated beverages, etc., may lead to increased body weight, increased burden on joints and possibly inflammation. High sugar intake may also affect the functioning of the immune system and increase the risk of inflammation.
Alcohol and caffeine: may cause loss of water in the body, cause dehydration and increase the symptoms of vertical spinal disease. Alcohol may also interfere with the effects of drugs and affect the efficacy of the treatment of diseases. Ingestion of alcohol and caffeine should be restricted to avoid aggravating symptoms.
Correspondingly, it is recommended that patients with direct spinal disease consider eating more of the following:
Chicken, fish and meat: Straight spinalitis is a chronic disease that keeps the body in a chronic state of inflammation and stress and requires sufficient protein to repair damaged tissue and maintain normal physiological functions. For example, the high protein content and relatively low fat content of chicken meat make it easy to digest and absorb.
Dairy products, soybean products: Skeletal problems such as osteoporosis are common to patients with direct spinal diseases, and calcium is an important element in maintaining bone health. Examples include defamined milk, low-fat milk, yogurt, soy milk, soy milk, sesame, beak, shrimp skin, etc.
Food against Inflammation: Helps to reduce the inflammation response and protects joint tissue from inflammation. For example, blueberries, oranges, broccoli, spinach, oatmeal, green tea.
Vitamin D: Since active vitamin D promotes the absorption of calcium in the intestinal tract, there is a need for additional vitamin D supplementation while dieting calcium. For example, mushrooms, skim milk, strawberries.
Straight spinalitis.