Can’t you be a test tube baby?

Infertility is a major challenge for many couples who desire to have children. As medical technology continues to improve, in vitro babies have become a better means of treating infertility. So can they be in vitro babies if they are not pregnant? Not all unpregnant couples can be assisted by in vitro babies.

Despite the fact that in vitro baby technology can address the concerns of many friends of infertility patients, in vitro babies have associated ailments and can only be treated if they are adapted. These are the following:

1. Feminine factors-induced obstacles to the transport of mates;

2. Ovulation barriers;

3. Endometriosis;

4. Young men, weak sperm;

5. Unidentified infertility;


In vitro baby technology cannot be implemented if the patient ‘ s friend:

1. Both men and women suffer from severe mental disorders, acute infections of the urinary system and sexually transmitted diseases;

(b) Genetic diseases which are unfit for procreation under the Maternal and Infant Health Act and which cannot be diagnosed with pre-embroid implant genetics;

3. The seriousness of the hobby of either party;

4. The exposure of either party to aberrant rays, poisons, drugs and functions;

5. The female uterus does not have the function of pregnancy or is unable to withstand a serious body disease.

This is an introduction to the question of in vitro babies as long as they are not pregnant. If you have more questions about infertility or artificially assisted pregnancy, you can leave a message or search Kunming Aveveve Hospital for more information.