Diabetes method of movement

Diabetes is a chronic disease requiring long-term management, and sports is an important way of controlling blood sugar, in addition to taking medication and eating. Appropriate sports can help diabetes patients reduce blood sugar, increase body sensitivity to insulin and improve overall health. Next, we present several sports methods that are appropriate for people with diabetes, making fitness simpler and more effective. ###1 Quick step: Simple and efficient aerobics, quick walk is a simple and efficient way of moving, suitable for most diabetes patients. A 30-minute break after a meal, followed by a quick walk of about 30 minutes, can effectively promote insulin distribution and help control blood sugar. The ideal step is 65 cm, which allows for better exercise of hip muscles and brain irritation to prevent dementia. Furthermore, the impact of fast-paced steps on joints is small and suitable for long-term sustainability. ###2 Water exercise: a gentle and comprehensive way to exercise. Floating in water reduces the burden of joints, while resistance to water increases the strength of the movement, helps to evenly consume heat and increases body flexibility. Swimming and other water activities not only allow for the exercise of CPR, but also enhance muscle strength and are well suited to diabetics with bad joints. Yoga and Tai Chi: Improving the resilience and balance is a good option for diabetics who have problems or neuroses. The slow pace of these movements, with a focus on breathing and body coordination, can improve body flexibility and balance and the symptoms of neurosis. Yoga and Tai Chi can also reduce stress and improve patients ‘ mental health. It is easy and safe to practice at home or in community centres with coaches. 4. Sitting Power Training: A home-friendly way to exercise, a place where diabetics can train in sitting Power when the weather is hot or not suitable for outdoor exercise. This training method is simple and requires only a chair and a small amount of space. Patients can hold their hands to the edge of the chair, remain seated and then slowly lift their legs and then drop them. 20 times each, with a gradual increase. Sitting power training enhances the muscle strength of upper and lower limbs, increases metabolic levels and consumes excess heat. ### # Pre-motion attention 1. ** Pre-motion **: Before a formal campaign is carried out, the patient should undertake a pre-hospital activity, such as movement of limbs and limbs, to avoid physical damage. 2. ** Avoid over-movement**: the exercise should be moderate and sweaty. Avoid sweating and excessive fatigue to prevent low blood sugar or other complications. 3. **Sporttime**: The exercise should take place 40 minutes after the meal to avoid abdominal exercise. An empty abdominal movement is prone to low blood sugar and poses a danger. 4. **Monitoring blood sugar**: Before and after the movement, blood sugar levels should be monitored to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the movement. If the blood sugar level is too low, the food should be replenished before exercise. In short, diabetics should choose their mode of movement in accordance with their own circumstances, in a way that is proportionate and gradual. Appropriate sports not only help to control blood sugar but also improve the quality of life and life expectancy. Before embarking on any sports programme, it was recommended that doctors be consulted to ensure the safety and scientific nature of the exercise. With persistence and scientific exercise, people with diabetes can also have a healthy life.
