According to Western medicine, the influenza pandemic (known as influenza) is an acute respiratory epidemic caused by influenza viruses and is relatively contagious.
Parameters: The influenza virus is a positive virus subject and is classified into type A, B, C and D, depending on the antigen properties of the nucleoprotein and the underlying protein. The influenza A virus is common in the form of an epidemic and can cause a worldwide pandemic; influenza B virus often causes local outbreaks; influenza C virus occurs mainly in the form of distribution; but the flu virus is mainly infected with livestock such as pigs and cattle, and no cases of human infection have been detected.
2. Means of transmission: 1. Flying foam: A patient coughs, sneezes or speaks with a virus in the foam, and a healthy person may be infected by inhalation of the foam. Exposure to transmission: Exposure to surfaces of objects contaminated with influenza viruses, such as door handles, hand-lifts, etc., and hand-held parts of mouth and nose can also lead to infection.
Symptoms: 1. Symptoms of pre-exposure: Some patients may have symptoms of common flu such as nasal plugs, aldicarb and osteoporosis at the beginning of their condition. Typical symptoms: As the virus causes an inflammatory reaction in the body, the patient suffers from high heat, inefficiency, headaches, all-body acid problems and cough, which are generally more severe than the normal cold.
Treatment: 1. General treatment: patients should have more rest, water and indoor air circulation. Heat, headaches and muscular acids can be used to relieve symptoms. 2. Antiviral treatment: Antiviral treatment within 48 hours of the onset of the disease can be effective in mitigating symptoms and reducing the duration of the disease, with the most common drugs being Ostawe, Zanamwe, etc.
According to Chinese doctors:
1. The causes of illness are mainly leprechauns, which are dominated by wind, heat, summer, wet and dry. When the human body is not well-breeded and the external function is dysfunctional, the exterior enters and attacks on the pulmonary health, leading to pulmonary failure, which causes influenza symptoms.
II. Machines: Early disease is on the table, mainly pulmonary failure; if the disease continues to develop, it can enter ritic fever, or it can be wet, etc., and there are different machine changes, such as pulmonary fever, gastrointestinal humid fever, and humid lung.
iii. Chinese medical evidence: 1. Testimony by wind-hot offenders: visible heat, mild wind, headaches, dry ingesting, cough, yellow, red on the tip of the tongue, moss and yellow on the tip of the tongue, and venom. It is used to cool down the table, and it is commonly used to disintegrate and decrease. 2. The chills bear witness to the severity of the cold, the warmth, the absence of sweat, headaches, the flow of slugs, the cough, the blubber, the redness of the tongue, the low whiteness and the tightness of the veins. It’s a sympathizing table, and it’s used to prevent the disinfection. 3. Testimony of summer wet injuries: heat, mild and cold, sweating, swollen headaches, swollen noses, suffocated chests, moist tongues, pulses. It is to be treated with a warm and wet table, and it is to be added and reduced with a new fragrance. 4. Treatment with Chinese drugs: The appropriate treatment with Chinese drugs is selected on the basis of identification. 5. Specialty therapy in Chinese medicine: (1) acupuncture treatment: selection of caves such as wind ponds, vertebrates, coyotes, curvatures, etc., using needles, acupuncture, etc., in accordance with the conditions, which acts as a defusing watch and accelerator. (ii) Massage: Absorption of headaches, muscular acids and other symptoms by massage of head, neck, shoulder and back caves and arteries, such as temples, wind ponds, shoulder wells, etc., to regulate the flow of aerobics and enhance the body ‘ s immunity.
The prevention of influenza includes the following:
I. Vaccination: 1. Timing of vaccination: The best time for vaccination is before the annual flu season, usually between September and November, when it takes two to four weeks to produce antibodies as a result of the influenza vaccine, and early vaccination can provide effective protection during the high flu outbreak. 2. Applicable population: Inoculations are available for more than six months, especially for those at risk, such as the elderly, children, pregnant women, chronically ill persons and medical personnel.
Day-to-day protection: 1. Take care of personal hygiene: wash hands, wash hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and mobile water, or use alcohol-containing hand-washing fluids, especially after exposure to public goods and before eating. If you cough or sneeze, cover your nose with paper towels, towels, etc., and wash your hands in time to avoid touching your eyes and nose. 2. Maintaining social distance: During the influenza pandemic, every effort should be made to avoid going to a densely populated site, where necessary, wearing a mask and maintaining a social distance of at least 1 metre from others. 3. Environmental health management: (1) Regular ventilation: at least two to three windows per day for approximately 30 minutes each to keep indoor air fresh. (2) Cleaning and disinfection: The surfaces of objects under constant contact, such as doorknobs, tables, chairs, mobile phones, etc., are regularly disinfected and can be wiped with chlorine-containing disinfectants. 4. Healthy lifestyle: (1) A balanced diet: Increased immunity from diets rich in nutrients such as vitamin C, vitamin E and zinc, such as fresh fruit, vegetables, nuts, etc. (2) Motivation: At least 150 minutes of aerobics per week of moderate strength, such as running, jogging, etc., may be combined with force training to increase physical resistance. (3) Adequate sleep: 7-8 hours of sleep per day guaranteed for physical recovery and normal functioning of the immune system.
The flu.