Diabetes kidney disease is one of the common complications of diabetes, and its treatment and management require long-term attention. Diabetes nephrhoea is targeted primarily at controlling blood sugar, blood pressure and blood resin in order to slow the progress of kidney damage and prevent complications.
Time for treatment.
Treatment for diabetes kidneys should begin as soon as possible, especially in the case of trace white Protein urine, i.e. diabetes, may develop into renal protein urine 10 to 15 years later, accompanied by high blood pressure and a gradual loss of kidney function. At this point, the use of vascular stressor converter enzyme inhibitor (ACEI) or vascular stressor receptor stressor (ARB) can effectively slow the progress of kidney disease.
Need for long-term medication
Diabetes kidney patients usually require long-term or even life-long medication. This is due to the complexity of the pathological mechanisms for diabetes kidneys and the absence of special effects therapy. Drug treatment consists mainly of sugar, kidney, urine protein, detoxification, etc. Specific drug choices are subject to individualization based on the patient ‘ s kidney function and the drug ‘ s pharmaceutical dynamics. 1. Sugar medications, such as insulin, acarbo sugar, gelabon, etc., to control blood sugar levels and reduce the toxic effects of high blood sugar on kidneys. 2. Kidney medications, such as ACEI and ARB, which not only reduce blood pressure but also protect the kidney function and delay kidney damage. 3. Urinating proteins: e.g., cedar capsules, which are used to reduce urine proteins and the kidney burden. Detoxification drugs, such as renal failure cysts, urine venom particles, etc., are used to improve the symptoms of patients with incomplete kidney function.
Lifestyle adjustments
In addition to medication, lifestyle adjustments are an important component of the management of diabetes kidneys. Patients should limit protein intake, choose high-quality low-protein diets, control salt intake and avoid increased oedema and hypertension. In addition, moderate exercise, abdication of alcohol and maintenance of healthy body weight can help to reduce the risk of diabetes and kidney disease.
Regular follow-up and monitoring
Patients with diabetes kidneys are regularly examined for such indicators as urine routines, kidney function, etc., in order to detect kidney damage in a timely manner and adjust treatment programmes. The doctor adjusts the dose and the type of drug to the patient ‘ s condition to ensure the efficacy of the treatment.
The treatment of diabetes kidneys is a long and complex process that requires a concerted effort by patients, health-care providers and society. Scientific treatment and lifestyle adjustments can effectively slow progress and improve the quality of life of patients. However, due to the complexity of the pathological mechanisms for diabetes kidneys and the absence of special effects therapy, patients usually require long-term or even life-long medication. Patients should therefore actively cooperate with the doctor ‘ s recommendations for treatment, follow up regularly and monitor changes in blood pressure and blood sugar in daily life in order to maintain health.