In our bodies, the immune system is like a trained army that defends our health at all times against the invasion of alien pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, etc. Sometimes, however, the immune system is “disturbed” by misperceiving its own tissues and organs as external “enemy”, thereby launching the wrong attack, which is its own immune disease.There are many common autoimmune diseases. Rheumatism is primarily an attack on the joint, and the pain and swelling of the joints, such as hands and feet, is often felt by the patient, and is particularly evident when he rises up in the morning. Symptoms may abate slightly after the event, but, as the condition evolves, the joints may gradually deform, affect normal mobility and, in serious cases, cause disability, causing great inconvenience to the life of the patient. Systematic red hemorrhoids are a full-body autoimmune disease that can drain multiple systems and organs of the body. The patient ‘ s skin may be red-stained, with butterfly shapes on both sides of the cheek, with symptoms such as oral ulcer, hair loss and joint pain, while the kidney, heart, lung and other important organs may be damaged, posing a serious threat to the patient ‘ s life and quality of life.The causes of autoimmune diseases are not yet entirely clear, but research has found that genetic factors play a role. If there are cases of autoimmune diseases in the family, the risk of such diseases in other family members is likely to increase relatively. In addition, environmental factors, such as long-term exposure to ultraviolet radiation, may induce systemic red hemorrhoids; some viral infections may also trigger anomalous reactions from the immune system, leading to self-immunisational diseases. Women are more likely than men to suffer from autoimmune diseases, which may be related to changes in hormonal levels in women, such as estrogens, which may play an important role in the onset of their own immune disease.At present, self-immunized diseases cannot be fully treated, but effective treatment can control the development of conditions, alleviate symptoms and improve the quality of life of patients. Drug treatment is one of the main treatments, and commonly used drugs include sugar cortex hormones, immunosuppressants, etc. Sugar cortex hormones can reduce the inflammation response quickly and the pain and discomfort of the patient, but long-term use may have some side effects and therefore require careful use under the guidance of a doctor and close attention to the physical response. Immunosuppressants, in turn, regulate the functioning of the immune system and reduce attacks on their own organization, but in their use, indicators such as blood routines, liver and kidney functions need to be regularly checked to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the drug. In addition to drug treatment, patients also need to take care to manage themselves in their daily lives, to maintain healthy lifestyles such as balanced diet, adequate exercise, adequate rest, to avoid overwork and excessive stress, and to be careful about sunscreening, prevention of infection and periodic review in order to adjust treatment programmes in a timely manner.While self-immunizing diseases are complex and difficult to treat, as medicine continues to develop, our understanding of these diseases is growing and treatments are improving. As long as patients cooperate actively with the treatment, remain optimistic and work with doctors, they can effectively control the situation and lead a relatively normal life.
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