The gallbladder is defined as the cholesterol that rises to the internal limits of the cholesterol, which can be divided into single and multiple.One, one, one, one.Definition: Single-capture cyst means only one cyst inside the cyst.Characteristics:(1) Growth rate: single-capture cholesterol growth rate is relatively slow, with a low chance of malformation.(2) Size: Single cysts are usually smaller in size, most of them not exceeding 1 cm.(3) Symptoms: Most single-capture cholesterol patients have no visible symptoms, and some of them may have symptoms such as discomfort in the upper right abdomen and pain.Risk factors:(1) Age: With age, the incidence of one-off gallbladders increases.(2) Sex: Female prevalence is slightly higher than male.(3) Obesity: The obese population is more likely to suffer from gallbladder.Diagnosis: Single cholesterol is commonly detected through abdominal ultrasound, CT, MRI, etc.Treatment:(i) Observation: Single cholesterol of less than 1 cm in diameter may be reviewed periodically to observe changes.(2) Surgery: If more than 1 cm in diameter or with apparent symptoms, surgical treatment such as cholesterectomy should be considered.II. Multiple gallbladdersDefinition: Multiple gallbladders refer to two or more scabs inside the gallbladder.Characteristics:(1) Growth rate: Multiple cholesterols grow faster, with a relatively high probability of malignation.(2) Size: Multiple gallbladders may vary in size and may be larger in part.(3) Symptoms: Multiple cholesterol patients may have symptoms of abdominal discomfort, pain, nausea, vomiting, etc.Risk factors: Similar to single-capture cysts, factors such as age, sex and obesity are risk factors for multiple cysts.Diagnosis: Multiple cholesterols have also been detected through abdominal ultrasound, CT, MRI, etc.Treatment:(1) Observation: For multiple gall bladders with a diameter of less than 1 cm, their change may be reviewed periodically.(2) Surgery: If more than 1 cm in diameter or with apparent symptoms, surgical treatment such as cholesterectomy should be considered. In the case of large and small amounts of meat, the decision to operate may be made on a case-by-case basis.III. Identification of single and multiple gall bladdersQuantities: Single gallbladder only, while multiple gallbladder two or more.Risk of malformation: The risk of malformation of multiple gallbladders is relatively high.Symptoms: People with multiple cholesterols may have more symptoms.Treatment: The treatment strategy for multiple gallbladders may be different from that for one.In general, the single and multiple hair of gallbladders varies in clinical performance, diagnosis and treatment. Patients should undergo periodic medical examinations and, when they find their flesh, they should be treated in accordance with medical advice. In daily life, good eating habits and the avoidance of greasy and fat foods help to prevent gallblading.
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