Throat, which is an important voice and breath of the human body, is often inadvertently affected by disease. Acute oscillitis is a very common and disturbing condition.
Acute oscillitis is acute inflammation of the mucous membranes, the submersible tissue and its lymphoma tissue. The causes of morbidity are varied, most notably viruses and bacterial infections. At a time of season change, when the temperature is volatile, the human immune system is busy adapting to changes in the external environment and defence capacity is reduced, viruses and bacteria are vulnerable to “settling” in their throats. For example, common influenza viruses, gland viruses, etc. can cause acute oscillitis. In addition to the infection factor, a number of poor living habits and environmental factors are equally “conspirators” for acute oscillation. Over-throwing over a long period of time, with occupational groups such as teachers, singers, salespersons, who speak frequently and loudly because of the need to work, and who suffer from chronic fatigue in their throats, are extremely vulnerable. Furthermore, chronic exposure to dust-filled workshops, smoked environments or frequent exposure to irritating chemical gases can cause inflammation by constant irritation of the larynx mucous membranes. In addition, excessive fatigue, lack of sleep and excessive stress can reduce physical resistance and increase the risk of acute oscillation.
Acute oscillation occurs more rapidly, often at an early stage, when patients feel a clear sense of dryness and heat in their throats, as if there was a heat in their throats. As the disease advances, the pain increases, especially when it swallows mouth water or food, and the larynx is sorely strangled that, in severe cases, it can even be emitted to the ear, causing pain in the ear. In addition to the local symptoms of the throat, patients are often associated with whole-body discomfort, such as fever, a rise in body temperature to 38°C or higher, along with symptoms of headaches, anorexia and four-legitimate acid problems, which disproportionately affect the mental state and quality of life of the entire population.
Timely and effective treatment is critical in the event of acute oscillation. In the case of acute oscillitis caused by viral infections, which generally recovers by relying on the human body ‘ s own immune capacity through more rest, water, etc. Doctors usually provide a number of pain relief and inflammation medications, such as throat tablets, spray, etc., based on symptoms, to help the patient to alleviate the discomfort. In the case of acute oscillitis caused by bacterial infections, the rational use of antibiotics for antibacterial treatment is required to completely eliminate inflammation. In the course of treatment, the patient ‘ s own care must not be overlooked. Ensuring adequate sleep and adequate rest for the body will help the immune system to function better. In terms of diet, the consumption of irritating foods such as spicy, greasy, overcalcated, overcalculated and overcooled should be avoided in order to avoid further damage to the mucus of the throat, and should be based on fresh, digestible, nutritious foods such as vegetable porridge, egg saps, fruit, etc., which can provide energy and nutrition to the body and contribute to the recovery of the throat.
Prevention of acute oscillation is a top priority. In our daily lives, we must develop good habits, regularize our lives, avoid staying up late, ensure adequate sleep and keep our bodies in good health at all times. Maintaining moderate physical exercise, such as jogging, yoga, swimming, etc., enhances physical fitness and improves body immunity and resistance. Be careful to use a healthy voice and avoid speaking or shouting for long periods of time, after which some warm or honey water can be used appropriately to sow the throat. At the same time, care must be taken to keep the living and working environment clean and hygienic, with frequent window ventilation and a reduction in dust, smoke and harmful gas inhalation. During the high-prevalence flu season, access to densely populated, air-traffic sites should be avoided to the extent possible, and if necessary, masks should be worn to protect.
The health of our throats relates to all aspects of our lives, from the express expression of our thoughts to the free enjoyment of good food. Let us act from now on to protect the health of our throats from acute oscillitis and to give life the voice and joy to enjoy.