The baby’s health check-ups show that the baby’s skin is scratched or white-crumbed and parents say that the child is always caught by himself, especially on the edges of urine. In autumn and winter, the weather is cooler and the air moisture is reduced, and the skin of the baby is clearly dry and prone to skin cracks and tickles.
And how do parents cope?
1. Clothes selection: chooses a full-comfort gas for the personal clothing, and be careful to wash, dry, sweat or dirty and change in a timely manner before wearing it, using detergents for the exclusive use of infants and young children.
Day-to-day care: Parents can wash their babies with water from 37 to 38 degrees a day, use one to two baby baths a week, do not use baths day after day, and prevent skin lips from getting more itching.
3. Wetting of skin: The skin of the baby is thinner, very young and sensitive and less resistant to dry environments. The bath is finished with the baby’s skin coated with wet skin cream. It is clear that the skin is dry and dry, and it is necessary to consider whether or not allergies cause skin performance, to take into account possible allergies in diet and the environment, to recommend that children be treated in dermals, that skin drugs or humid products be used rationally, on medical advice, two to three times a day.
4. Dental care: In autumn and winter, the baby ‘ s small lips are also prone to dry cracks and skinning. It is possible to choose a special lipstick for infants and young children.
Dietary attention: Feeding is on a demand-driven basis and a child over the age of 6 can start to feed in small quantities A little white water, an appropriate amount of water for a child over the age of one year, a reasonable addition of complementary food, and additional body moisture for fresh fruit and vegetables.
The parents have the heart, the baby and the skin itch to say “Bye.”