Diabetes, a chronic disease that is increasingly common around the globe, is like a hidden “Sword of Damocles”, hanging over the health of many. According to statistics, hundreds of millions of people around the world are suffering from it, and the number of diabetes cases in our country is rising year by year. Not only does it cause many disorders to the patient ‘ s body, typical symptoms such as overdrinking, urination, eating and weight loss, but it can also cause serious complications, such as diabetes kidneys, diabetes retinal disorders, cardiovascular diseases, etc., which significantly affect the quality of life and even threaten life.
The causes of diabetes are complex and genetic factors play an important role. There is a relatively high risk of cases of diabetes in the family. But the lifestyle of the day after, such as long-term high-heat diets, lack of exercise, excessive stress, etc., is also an “accompaniment” to diabetes.
We are not helpless in the face of diabetes. The first is dietary adjustment, reducing the intake of high sugar, fat and salty foods, increasing the intake of diet-rich fibre-rich foods such as vegetables, fruit and whole grains, and a rational distribution of three meals of calories. Secondly, regular motion is indispensable. At least 150 minutes of aerobics per week, such as walking, jogging, swimming, etc., can effectively increase insulin sensitivity and control blood sugar levels. Moreover, maintaining a good mind is essential. Long-term stress can cause hormonal imbalance in the body, discourage blood sugar control and learn to relax and reduce stress can contribute to health. For some patients, drug treatment and regular blood sugar surveillance are also key to control. Patients are required to take medication or inject insulin on a regular basis and to regularly test blood sugar in order to adjust their treatment programmes in a timely manner.
Diabetes is persistent, but as long as we respond positively, from the point of life, we can effectively control it and return life to health and good.