A combination of antibiotics for chronic cholesterol.

A combination of antibiotics for chronic cholesterol.

Chronic cholesterol is a common disease of the digestive system, which is associated with a variety of factors, including cholesterol blockage, bacterial infections and cholesterol. Antibiotic co-treatment is one of the important tools for chronic cholesterol treatment, and is described below in more detail as a combination of antibiotics.

I. Causes and mechanisms of chronic cholesterol disease

Chronic cholesterol infection is mostly caused by repeated cases of acute cholesteroccal disease and can have no history of acute cholecal disease. Its causes include, inter alia, the following:

1. Cholesterol blockage: cholesterol blockage, vermin, etc. can lead to cholesterol blockage, blockage of the discharge of the cholesterol, siltage of the cholesterol and a high risk of bacterial infection.

2. Bacteria infections: The main strains are gelatinella, e.g. coli, crabella, etc. Bacteria can enter the gall bladders through corrosive and blood-borne infections.

3. Courage silt: Long-term cholesterol can cause damage to the cholesterol and can cause bacterial infections and inflammations.

4. Other factors, such as irregular diets, high-fat diets, obesity, lack of exercise may also be associated with the development of chronic cholesterol.

II. The need for joint antibiotic treatment

Bacteria infections are common in chronic cholesterol patients, and the mere use of an antibiotics is often difficult to achieve the desired treatment. Antibiotic combination therapy can increase antibacterial effectiveness, reduce the generation of drug-resistant bacteria, reduce treatment time and increase patient cure rates. In addition, for chronic cholesterol patients with more severe conditions, the joint use of antibiotics prevents complications.

Principles for the selection of antibiotics

1. For pathogenic bacteria: Select sensitive antibiotics based on cholesterol culture and drug sensitivity test results. In the absence of a drug-sensitive test results, the empirical choice of antibiotics that are effective for Grelan cactus.

2. Consideration of the antibacterial spectrometry of drugs: choice of antibacterial spectroscopy with antibiotics that have a better antibacterial activity for common pathogens.

3. Pharmacokinetics and pharmacological characteristics of drugs: selection of high concentrations, long half-life, antibiotics with strong antibacterial effects in cholesterol.

4. Avoid drug resistance: To the extent possible, select antibiotics that are less resistant to drug resistance and avoid the long-term use of the same kind of antibiotics.

IV. Common joint antibiotic treatment programmes

1. Convergence of head sepsis with quinone

• Antibiotics such as head acne and head accelerants have better antibacterial activity for the gelatinian vaginal bacterium. Antibiotics such as left-oxen fluoride and mossar have the advantage of antibacterial spectrometry and good oral absorption. Their joint use enhances antibacterial effects and applies to patients with moderate and chronic cholesterol.

• For example, for chronic cholesterol patients with more severe conditions, a pheasant schubathan 2g, an intravenous drip per 12 hours, combined with a single oxidoxone salsa injection of 0.5g, an intravenous drip per day.

2. Symptoms of penicillin and amino sugar

Antibiotics of penicillin, such as Amosilin, Zolasilin and others have better antibacterial activity for the grelan positive and some grelan cactus. Aminocin antibiotics, such as Quintacolin and Amikane, have a strong antibacterial effect on the grenaniacella. The joint use of the two can expand the antibacterial spectrum and increase the antibacterial effect.

• For example, for chronic cholesterol patients, potassium 1.2g, intravenous drip per 8 hours; combined chromosomal injections of 80,000 units, muscle injections twice a day.

3. Combining of large mercuric esters with nitromazine

• There is some antibacterial activity of Great Ringed Iesters, e.g., Achmicillin, to the Geran positive, to the geran cactus and tortoids. Nitromium antibiotics such as mitraz have a strong antibacterial effect on anaerobics. The joint use of the two can cover geland positives, gland cactus and anaerobics and is applicable to chronic cholesterol infections that combine anaerobic infections.

• For example, in the case of a combination of anaerobic infections in chronic cholesterol patients, an acceacin injection of 0.5 g, an intravenous drip per day can be given, and a combination of acne injection of 0.5 g, an intravenous drip per 12 hours.

V. Attention to joint antibiotic treatment

Strict mastery of adaptive certificates: joint antibiotic treatments should be used in cases where bacterial infections are clearly present, avoiding the abuse of antibiotics.

2. Note the adverse effects of drugs: Different antibiotics may cause different adverse effects, such as allergies, gastrointestinal responses, and damage to liver and kidney function. In the course of treatment, changes in the patient ‘ s condition should be closely observed and adverse reactions detected and addressed in a timely manner.

Rationally adjusted dosages and treatments: Rationally adjusted doses and treatments of antibiotics, depending on the patient’s condition, age, weight, liver and kidney function, etc. In general, the treatment of antibiotics should not be too long in order to prevent the creation of drug-resistant bacteria and double infections.

4. Increased support for treatment: While antibiotic treatment for chronic cholesterol patients, care should be taken to improve their immunity and resilience by strengthening nutritional support and correcting hydrolysis disorders.


Chronic cholesterol is a common disease in the digestive system, and combined antibiotic treatment is one of its important treatments. In the selection of joint antibiotic treatment programmes, sensitive and effective antibiotics should be selected, taking into account the specific circumstances of the patient, in conjunction with cholesterol development and the results of the drug-sensitive tests, and with a strict mastery of adaptive certificates, attention to the adverse reactions of the drug, rationally adjusted doses and treatment procedures. At the same time, support for treatment should be strengthened in order to improve patients ‘ healing rates and quality of life.