A healthy invisible killer with a joint.

In our bodies, the joints are like fine gears that guarantee the flexibility of the body. However, there is a disease, like the “invisible killer”, which is the rheumatist arthritis, which affects these “gears”. Rheumatism is an autoimmune disease, which means that the body’s immune system is “disturbed” and the joint is mistakenly attacked as an “enemy”. Generally, it is burdened with small joints of hands and feet, such as near-end joints, palm joints, wrist joints, etc., with pain, swelling and rigid symptoms. Especially in the early morning hours, the rigidity of the joint is more evident, medically known as the “morning freeze”, often lasting more than one hour, which seriously affects the daily activities of patients, such as clothing, washing, shoelaces, etc. As the condition evolves, if it is not effectively controlled, the joint cartilage and bones are damaged, leading to joint deformities, common finger-side tilts, swan neck deformations, button deformities, etc., which render the hand dysfunctional. Moreover, rheumatism is not limited to arthritis symptoms, but may also overwhelm the whole body with multiple systems, resulting in extra-chamber manifestations such as inter-pulmonary pathologies, cardiac inflammation, anaemia and drying syndrome, further reducing the quality of life and even life expectancy of patients. The causes of rheumatism have not yet been fully identified, but genetic, environmental, infectious, endocrine and other factors may be involved. It can occur at any age, but it is more frequent among middle-aged women. Early diagnosis and normative treatment of the disease are essential. Doctors usually perform comprehensive diagnostics based on the patient ‘ s symptoms, signs, laboratory examinations (e.g., rheumatist factors, anticucumbers, blood sank, C reaction protein, etc.) and image tests (X-line, ultrasound, MRI imaging, etc.). In terms of treatment, the main objectives are to alleviate pain, reduce inflammation, control progress, protect joint function and improve quality of life. Drug treatment is at the core, and includes a combination of inflammatory anti-inflammatory drugs (e.g. Broven, dichlorophenic acid, etc.) for the rapid relief of pain and inflammation; improved rheumatics (e.g., ammonium butterflies, alfluent) for the medical condition, which is slow but slow; and biological agents (e.g. tumour carnal stressor, white cellulin-6 stressor) for the specific inflammatory medium, which is well combated and has significant therapeutic effects, especially for patients with more serious conditions or who react poorly to traditional drugs. In addition, sugar cortex hormones are used for short periods of time in some cases to control inflammation quickly. At the same time, patients are required to cooperate with appropriate rest, joint exercise and physiotherapy. Rheumatism, although chronic and incurable, is not uncontrolled. As long as the patient builds confidence, actively cooperates with the doctor ‘ s treatment, adheres to long-term regulations and periodic reviews, he/she can effectively control the situation, live, work and learn as normal people, and regain the good of life.

Rheumatism arthritis