About the management of blood sugar in seasonal shifts

Seasonal shifts, especially from summer to fall and winter, can change temperature, daylight time and gestation patterns, with effects on blood sugar levels. Studies have shown that cold weather can exacerbate insulin resistance, leading to high blood sugar, and that it is therefore important for diabetics to adapt their habits appropriately during seasonal shifts.

1. Increase appropriate caloric intake and balance blood sugar in autumn and winter

With lower temperatures during the autumn and winter seasons, the human body consumes more energy to keep the body warm, so that a modest increase in food intake helps the body to adapt to low temperatures and avoid physical discomfort caused by hunger or low blood sugar. Some warm foods, such as potatoes, oats, beef, etc., can be added to the daily diet, accompanied by abundant vegetables to ensure food balance and blood sugar stability.

2. Indoor sports as an alternative to outdoor sports

Cold weather may reduce the time spent on outdoor activities, but even in the home there can be some simple exercise, such as stretching, hiking, dumbbell exercise, etc., and maintaining body activity is still effective in controlling blood sugar. Indoor activity is guaranteed for at least 30 minutes per day, not only to warm the body, but also to help burn energy and avoid blood sugar fluctuations from seasonal cooling.

Focus on skin care to avoid infection

Seasonal shifts and cooler weather can dry the skin, especially for diabetic patients, where skin fractures and infections can cause complications. Remember to keep the skin clean and to prevent dry cracks through regular use of mild skin creams. In warm socks and shoes, special attention is paid to foot care, and fingernails are trimmed in time to avoid infection.

Seasonal changes are natural and can help diabetics to better cope with blood sugar fluctuations through rational lifestyle adjustments. Acquiring the health management skills of seasonal shifts and adapting diets, activities and skin care habits to them will enable you to manage blood sugar in a smooth manner during seasonal shifts and avoid the health risks associated with climate change.