After lung cancer.
The mortality rate of lung cancer among all cancers is at the forefront, but this in no way means that there is no hope of survival for patients with lung cancer. Indeed, there are many cases of lung cancer in clinical settings that have had early and active treatment, as well as rehabilitation after treatment, with a high chance of survival. The post-pulmonary cancer period is critical, and some patients with lung cancer are often very pessimistic and, after treatment, often give themselves up, which can have a significant impact on the recovery of the body. And how do we recover from lung cancer? Thin is very good for pulmonary function, but it should have been practiced before the surgery. The effective method is to put the patient in a comfortable position, with about five deep breaths, and then, after the last breath, to cough again and again and again, to cough the sip out of the throat.
Pneumocular cancer is followed by some pain in the part of the opening of the surgery, but now, thanks to the prevalence of micro-brasket surgery, post-operative pain is much better than that of previous chest openings. In the early post-operative period, the doctor treats painkillers during hospitalization. Upon discharge from the hospital, the family learns to appease the patient or to distract him by watching television, listening to music and doing something that the patient likes to do.
Health education and dietary care for lung cancer
The operation was carried out on the same day for between six and eight hours. After this period, some food can be eaten, such as rice soup, egg soup, etc., and some food of high heat or protein can be eaten to restore physical strength, but with as little as possible easy to produce food such as milk or beans.
Encouraging patient activity
If bed rest continues long after the operation, and the flow of blood is slow, it is not conducive to the rehabilitation of the body. At an early stage, some physical activity can be carried out in the bed, followed by a gradual process of bedside activity, de-bed activity, simple housework and up and down stairs, etc. However, care must be taken not to oversize and to combine effort.
Stress relief
Because of the great fear caused by lung cancer, many patients also have a greater psychological burden after surgery. It is therefore advisable to listen to music during rehabilitation, to read books and, even when medical conditions permit, to perform some simple outdoor activities such as Tai Chi, walking, etc. to relieve stress.
As lung cancer causes great fear, many patients also have a greater psychological burden after surgery. It would therefore be preferable to listen to music during rehabilitation, read books and, even when medical conditions permit, have simple outdoor activities such as Tai Chi, walking, etc. to relieve stress. Prevention of cold. Warming against heat and cold is a top priority for patients with lung cancer, because the lung function of a patient with post-operative lung cancer is already relatively poor, and if a cold increases the kidney function, such as in the case of a cold cough, try not to treat it as simple as usual. Thus, although lung cancer is very harmful, it is highly beneficial to recover from it if it is actively treated in a scientific and normative manner, if it builds confidence in overcoming the disease and if it is able to be put into normal work and life and to leave the disease behind.