Antibiotics have been the focus of clinical attention, and AchCin has been widely used in the recent outbreak of syroid infections, which is a broad spectrum of antibiotics, belongs to the Great Ringed ester group and has unique chemical structures and antibacterial mechanisms. It has demonstrated significant results in the treatment of a wide range of infectious diseases and has been applied to clinically because of its extensive antibacterial spectrum.
I. Presentation of the antibacterial mechanism of Archicin
Archicillin is anti-bacterial by inhibiting the synthesis of bacterial proteins. Bacteria require synthetic proteins during growth and reproduction, and Achicillin is able to block this critical link, thus inhibiting the growth and reproduction of bacteria. This mechanism of action has resulted in the antibacterial effect of Achromin on a variety of grelan positives, grelan cactus and some anaerobics. In addition, AchCin has high intracellular concentrations and has good antibacterial effects on in-cell pathogens such as spas, chlamydia, etc.
II. Main extent of the clinical application of Archicin
1. Respiratory infections: Archicin is often used to treat upper respiratory infections (e.g., tonsilitis, oscillitis) and lower respiratory infections (e.g., bronchitis, pneumonia). It promotes the rehabilitation of patients by inhibiting the growth of bacteria in the respiratory tract and reducing the symptoms of inflammation.
Skin and soft tissue infections: Achicillin also has good therapeutic effects on skin and soft tissue infections such as sepsis and beeweed. It can reduce inflammation and accelerate healing by inhibiting the growth and reproduction of bacteria.
3. Sexually transmitted diseases: Achicin can be used for the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases caused by trachoma and gonorrhoea, such as non-remune urinary tractitis, cervicalitis, etc. It reduces the risk of disease transmission by inhibiting the growth of pathogens.
4. Other infections: Archicin can also be used for the treatment of ear, sinus, urinogenesis, etc. It also shows significant antibacterial effects in the treatment of these diseases.
III. Presentation of the dose and method of use of Archicin
The use of Achicillin is determined on the basis of the patient ‘ s specific condition and the doctor ‘ s advice. Common uses include oral and intravenous drip therapy.
1. Oral treatment: The usual dose is 500 mg per dose per day for three days. However, the specific dose and course of treatment should be adjusted according to the age, weight, condition, etc. of the patient.
2. Vector drip treatment: 500 mg per day, once per day, for at least two to three days. If the symptoms improve, they can be changed to oral treatment, with the same dose and usage as oral treatment.
In addition, there is a drug delivery programme of 500 mg per day for the first day, which can be changed to 250 mg per day for the second day, with a duration of approximately one week.
The gastrointestinal reaction of Archicin is high and is recommended for between half an hour and an hour after the meal to reduce gastrointestinal discomfort.
iv. Negative reactions to Archicillin
Archiccin has a significant antibacterial effect, but in your use, attention should also be paid to possible adverse effects. Common adverse effects include:
1. Gastrointestinal response: It includes anorexia, constipation, indigestion, abdominal swelling, vomiting, diarrhoea, etc.
2. Allergies: A small number of people suffer from joint pains, oedema, itching, measles, etc., and rare severe skin reactions, including polychromes, Stevens-Johnson syndromes and dysentery dysentery. In case of allergies, the medication should be stopped and treated.
Cardiovascular system response: Low blood pressure visible, room heart hypervelocity, etc.
4. Full-body response: Illness, abnormal feeling, fatigue, discomfort.
5. Reactions to the genitourinary system: These include mesothelia, acute kidney failure, vaginal inflammation, etc.
Bleeding system response: Decline in blood plate.
7. Psychoneurological response: Some patients experience convulsions, dizziness, dizziness, headaches, sleep addiction, hyperactivity, neurons, excavation and fainting.
V. Attention on the use of Archicin
1. Medicines in compliance with medical instructions: they are strictly prescribed and administered by a doctor, and are not subject to self-reducing or unauthorized stoppage, so as not to affect the efficacy of treatment or to result in resistance.
2. Allergies: Bans on persons who are allergic to acceacin or other macrocyclic esters. In the course of their use, the medication should be stopped and treated as soon as an allergic reaction occurs.
3. Avoid the use of certain drugs at the same time: if the use of anti-acids at the same time may reduce the efficacy of the achcin, it should be taken at intervals of time. The use of anticondensants, such as Wafalin, at the same time may increase the risk of haemorrhage.
4. Treatment for special groups of the population: Pregnant women, lactating women, children and the elderly should be cautious about the use of acceacin, and dosages should be adjusted under medical guidance.
5. Attention to dietary taboos: Avoid drinking alcohol and consumption of spicy, irritant foods during medications, so as to avoid exacerbating adverse gastrointestinal effects.
In short, Achicillin is a wide spectrum antibiotics with significant antibacterial effects, but its adverse effects and concerns also require attention in its use. Patients should strictly follow the doctor ‘ s advice and prescription to ensure that the disease is treated effectively.
Anhui Polytechnic University Hospital No. 1 (First People ‘ s Hospital, Huainan City)
Chen Mei-hyun.