Cancer and self-infliction

Cancer and self-inflictionCancer and self-incentive: How to find the driving force aheadSelf-incentives are an important factor in maintaining a positive mindset in the journey against cancer. Faced with major diseases…

Cancer and science education

Cancer and science educationCancer and science education: how to access reliable medical informationIn modern societies, cancer has become one of the major diseases threatening human health. In the face of…

Diabetes diet

Diabetes dietThese sugary vegetables, diabetics. It is well known that diabetics require special attention in their diets, especially to avoid over-ingestion of sugar. When it comes to sugar, you tend…

What about the baby’s rations?

PET/CT for breast-feeding women, where is the baby ' s ration? 2015eanm European Association of Nuclear Medicine guide: The International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) does not recommend the interruption…