What about anaesthesia during pregnancy?

What about anaesthesia during pregnancy?Anaesthesia during pregnancy means the use of anaesthesia techniques during surgery or other medical operations during pregnancy. Due to the biological characteristics of the pregnant woman…

Hpv6 positive. How do you treat thiomers?

Hpv6 positive. How do you treat thiomers?The HPV6-positive and accompanied treatments include, inter alia, medication, physiotherapy, surgical treatment, Chinese medicine and immunotherapy. The following is a detailed explanation of these…

Breast cancer relapse.

Breast cancer relapse." Caring for the Relapsing of Breast Cancer " , breast cancer, a disease that afflicts many women, with the risk of a re-transmittance as if it were…

What about breast cancer?

What about breast cancer?The main targets for breast cancer treatment are the following:I. HER2 Target treatment for positive breast cancer1. Trato Jolly: This was the first targeted drug for HeR2…