The classification of diabetes in the country is divided into two main categories:
The vast majority of type 1 diabetes is self-immuno-disease, in which genetic and environmental factors participate. The prevalence of type 1 diabetes mellitus in identical twins is 30-40 per cent, suggesting that genetic factors play an important role in type 1 diabetes. Environmental factors: Virus infection, known to be associated with type 1 diabetes, include rubella virus, mumps virus, Kosage virus, cerebrocarditis virus and megacell virus, among others, and recent intestinal viruses. Self-immunisation • Body immunity: 90 per cent of newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes patients have single-stamped antibodies for beta cells in serum, more important are insulin-cell antibodies, insulin antibodies, salinate dease antibodies, protein antibodies for protein-protein cheese phosphate. With the emergence of two types of self-positiveness, the risk of type 1 diabetes in the future rises to 70 per cent. As a result, insulin cell self-antibodies detection predicts the incidence of type 1 diabetes and identifies high-risk groups, and can assist with diabetic mellitus and counselling. • Cell immunisation: cytoimmunisation plays a more important role in type 1 diabetes. cytological immunosuppressions are manifested in pathological and protective Tlymphocytes imbalance, and their circulatory cell factors or other media interactions disorder.
Type 2 diabetes is a complex multigenetic disease caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors and is a group of heterosexual diseases.
Genetic and environmental factors are close to 100 per cent for type 2 diabetes in twins, but the process of morbidity and condition is highly variable by environmental factors.
Environmental factors include age growth, modern lifestyles, overnutrition, inadequate physical activity, the intrauterine environment and stress, and chemical toxics.
Obesity caused by the combination of genetic and environmental factors, especially central obesity, is closely related to insulin resistance and the occurrence of type 2 diabetes.