Breast cancer? Don’t be afraid. We have the Pink Warrior.
Autumn winds are blowing, and the annual Pink Ribbon campaign month. In this particular month, we are not only trying to raise awareness about breast cancer, but also to pay tribute to each and every brave “Pink Warrior”. Today, let us come closer to breast cancer and learn how to learn to become a qualified “cheek warrior”.
Understanding the enemy — basic knowledge of breast cancer
Breast cancer is not a strange name. It’s one of the most common malignant tumours in women, but you know what? Men are also at risk of breast cancer. Breast cancer occurs due to a number of factors, including genetics, hormonal changes, age growth, etc. Importantly, early detection and early treatment are key to improving the cure rate.
Self-censorship – as an expert in the health of his breast
Regular self-examination is one of the important means of preventing breast cancer. Learn how to do a proper self-censorship and can detect breast anomalies at an early stage. Generally, self-censorship is best carried out within one week after menstruation, when breasts are soft and unusual. If you find any swellings or skin changes, call the doctor in time.
Professional screening — early diagnosis with scientific and technological assistance
In addition to self-censorship, regular screening by professional doctors is important. For women over 40 years of age, it is recommended that a mammography X-ray (mixed target) be conducted annually. In addition, MRI and ultrasound screening are common screening tools. These techniques help doctors to assess breast conditions more accurately and to identify potential risks at an early stage.
Active treatment – Multidisciplinary collaboration against disease, once diagnosed with breast cancer, do not fear, modern medicine has developed many effective treatment methods. From surgical tumour removal to chemotherapy, radiotherapy, to the latest target-oriented treatment and immunotherapy, doctors develop individualized treatment programmes tailored to the specific circumstances of the patient. A multidisciplinary team is working to provide the best possible treatment for patients.
Attitudinal adjustment – positive face, cure with love
Last but not least, a positive optimism is maintained. Breast cancer treatment can put physical and psychological pressure on patients, but please believe that you are not alone. Family, friends and professional counsellors are your strong backs. Joining a support group and sharing experiences with other ” pink warriors” will also help you to better cope with this journey.
When we learn about breast cancer and know how to prevent and detect early detection, we are better able to protect ourselves and the people we love. Let us work together to combat breast cancer and to create a healthier and better future for ourselves and for those around us.
Breast cancer