Breast “micro-expression” — reading it, whispering away from breast cancer.

Breast “micro-expression” — reading it, whispering away from breast cancer.

Sisters, today we come to talk about an important part of our body — breasts. Breasts are like the “mysterious garden” of our bodies, but you know what? It also has its own “micro-expressions” to read these “micro-expressions” to better avoid breast cancer, a terrible enemy.

I. “Language” of breasts — knowledge of breast normalities and anomalies

Breasts are usually “quietly”, but sometimes they also “talk” through subtle changes. Normal breasts are usually soft, symmetrical in shape, free of swelling or pain. But if something goes wrong with the breasts, then it’s warning you!

For example, there are swellings in the breast, which may be of different sizes, rigid or soft; changes in the skin of the breast, which looks like orange skin, dims or reds; and spills in the nipple, which may be blood, plasma or liquids of water. These are the breasts that may be “talking” about its discomfort.

ii. Why are the breasts “emotional”?

Genetic factors

If you have breast cancer in your family, you’re at a higher risk of breast cancer than anyone else. It’s like a time bomb hidden in our breasts, and we need to be more vigilant.

2. Hormonal effects

Changes in hormone levels in women are also closely related to the incidence of breast cancer. Long-term administration of estrogen-containing drugs, post-menopausal hormone substitution treatment, etc. may increase the risk of breast cancer.

3. Poor lifestyle

An unhealthy lifestyle is also one of the reasons for the breast’s “momentation”. Long nights, smoking, alcohol and obesity, for example, make breasts more vulnerable.

How do you understand the “silence” of breasts?

1. Self-censorship is a good idea.

Sisters can conduct a breast self-examination every month. In the week following the end of menstruation, choose a quiet place to look at the mirror for changes in the shape, size, skin colour, etc. Then you touch your breasts with your finger and feel the swelling. Remember to start with the outside mammogram and to check in the direction of the clockwise.

2. Regular screenings must not be rare

In addition to self-examination, regular breast screening is also important. In general, women over 40 years of age should undergo an annual mammography X-line examination and breast ultrasound. For high-risk groups such as the family history of breast cancer, the age of screening can be advanced.

The “micro-expression” of the breasts is the important message it sends us. Sisters must read these “single words”, focus on breast health, and avoid the threat of breast cancer through self-censorship and regular screening. Let’s take care of our “mysterious garden” and grow beautiful and healthy!

Breast cancer