Friends of the sick, on the basis of the information currently available, it is impossible to cure the disease, which is a chronic inflammatory joint disease, mainly manifested in spinal, pelvic, pelvis, rigidity and straightness, which seriously affects the quality of life of patients. However, the progress of the disease and the mitigation of symptoms can be controlled through systematic combination treatment. The following is a detailed description of the approach to the treatment of direct spinal disease:
Drug treatments play an important role in the management of direct spinal disease, and commonly used drugs include: Sugar cortex hormones: In some cases, sugar cortex hormones may be used for rapid inflammation control and pain relief, subject to caution in long-term use. 3. Immunosuppressants and biological agents: In serious cases, these may need to be used to control the progress of the disease. Biological agents such as tumour cause of death inhibitor (TNF-α inhibitor) and white medium 17A are shown to be more effective in controlling the condition.
Non-pharmacological treatment is an important component of the integrated treatment of direct spinal disease, including: Physical therapists can also design sports and gymnastics programmes that are appropriate for patients to enhance muscle strength and improve joint flexibility and position. 2. Rehabilitation: Individualized therapy by a professional rehabilitationer aimed at reducing symptoms by improving position, muscle strength and flexibility. Rehabilitation treatment may include techniques such as heat dressing, cold dressing, electrotherapy and massage. 3. Medical care in Chinese: acupuncture, push and herbal therapy, etc., to relieve inflammation and pain by adjusting the body ‘ s aerodynamic blood, restoring normal functioning of the body.
Surgical treatment may be required for a number of severe direct spinal disease patients if the drug treatment and non-pharmacological treatment are ineffective or adverse. Surgical treatment includes joint replacement, osteoporosis, etc., such as full hip replacement or spinal orthotics, which can alleviate pain and restore joint function.
IV. Day-to-day reconciliation and attention, in addition to medication and non-pharmacological treatment, for people suffering from direct spina syndrome requires attention to day-to-day management and attention, including: 1. ** Warming**: Avoiding cold and damp attacks and reducing local adverse irritation. 2. ** Exercise**: adhere to physical exercise, such as aerobics such as swimming and cycling, in order to enhance CPR function and improve spine flexibility. 3. ** Dietary**: While diet does not directly treat straight spinal disease, good eating habits can help patients to maintain good health. Patients are advised to choose foods with anti-inflammatory content, such as fish, nuts and fruit, and to reduce the intake of additives, transfats and sugary foods. 4. ** Attitude**: Maintain a healthy mindset to avoid excessive stress and anxiety. Psychotherapy, meditation and relaxation can help patients to reduce stress and anxiety and improve their mental health. In the light of the above, while it is impossible to cure the disease, it is effective in controlling the progress of the disease and mitigating the symptoms and improving the quality of life of patients through sound treatment and management. Patients should actively cooperate with the doctor ‘ s treatment programme, maintain a positive mentality, re-examine on a regular basis and follow the advice of day-to-day management and attention.