Clinically, the target drug is a routine programme for the treatment of chronic particle-cell leukaemia, with common drugs such as Imatini, Flumatini, Nirotini, etc., which is now a national target drug, and with increasing use. However, there are some side effects to long-term use of either drug, so some of the patients want to deepen their situation and mitigate their side effects through combined Chinese drug treatment. Alumni of the slow-particle disease write to the public: mbxb120 first, there are other complications for people with chronic particle-cell leukaemia, and it is feasible to use Chinese medicine for co-therapy. But for people with chronic pyrocellular leukaemia, it would be preferable to opt for treatment in a regular central hospital, so that they do not take drugs themselves, so that the drug is not repeated. For example, herbal formulations containing chrystals, such as long-leaved precipitines (also known as chrystals, or St. John ‘ s grass), can induce CYP3A4 enzymes in the liver, while their use may reduce TKI concentrations and thus increase the risk of treatment failure; silver almond extracts may have little effect but may lead to increased blood concentrations and side effects of TKI, preferably to avoid co-use. It follows from this that patients who wish to choose a combination of Chinese and Western medicine should take Chinese medicine after being treated by a regular Chinese physician, and, of course, because of individual differences in the choice of joint treatment, they are advised to follow the medical instructions for regular re-examination, and to make positive adjustments in case of other disorders during treatment. Finally, patients receiving Chinese medicine need to be aware that the prescription is not static, but that it needs to be adjusted in a timely manner, so that a one-size-fits-all drug is also undesirable and must be treated in accordance with the medical instructions!
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