Can an artificial insemination work? What if it fails?

Both artificial insemination and in vitro babies are included in the treatment of assisted reproduction techniques, in which the presence of artificial insemination offers many new options. However, it is true that the rate of pregnancy is lower than that of in vitro babies, and many ask, can artificial insemination be successful once? What should we do if we fail?

Natural pregnancy is the ovulation of sperm into the vagina through sexual life and then into the uterine cavity through cervix mucous fluid, while artificial insemination is the ovulation of male sperm into the body during the ovulation period, through which the sperm is injected into the cervix by a catheter, and the subsequent ovulation, bed-laying process, and natural pregnancy, so that artificial insemination is largely close to natural pregnancy.

Since the treatment of artificial insemination is the same as that of natural insemination, which affects the outcome of pregnancy in terms of the quality of sperm, the quality of the egg, the cognition of the eggs, the uterus environment and even psychological factors, the rate of artificial insemination is higher than that of natural insemination, but not much higher.

The probability that a normal-fertility couple will become pregnant during the ovulation period is only about one and a half percent, while the probability of a successful pregnancy during the month of artificial insemination is about 20 to 30 percent, or after semen optimization, and during the ovulation period the rate is increased.

As a result, artificial insemination does not guarantee success at a single time, and there is no sense of frustration in the failure of a single insemination. Of course, data from clinical consultations show a marked increase in the pregnancy rate of the cumulative 2-3 artificial insemination treatments. In cases where an artificial insemination treatment has not been successful in pregnancy for more than three cycles, the in vitro baby cycle is recommended for treatment.

This is an introduction to the question of whether artificial insemination can succeed at a time, and if it fails, hopefully you can answer your question. If you have more questions about male infertility or artificially assisted pregnancy, you can leave a message or search Kunming Aveveve Hospital for more information.