Can excessive anxiety make stomach disease worse?

Excessive anxiety may indeed lead to an increase in stomach disease. Anxiety as an emotional response can adversely affect the body, especially the digestive system, through changes in the nervous system and hormones when it becomes frequent or intense. The following is a detailed explanation of how excessive anxiety can lead to an increase in stomach disease:The relationship between anxiety and digestive systemsImpact of autonomous nervous system:The anxiety activated the body’s “fight or escape” response, which was controlled by an autonomous nervous system. The autonomous nervous system is divided into synergetic neurons and synergetic neurons. The activation of the sensory nervous system leads to an increased heart rate and increased blood pressure, while the cosmopolitan nerve is responsible for the digestive system.When a person is in a state of anxiety, the increased synergetic neuroactivity may inhibit coitus neuroactivity, thereby reducing gastric acidity and intestinal creeping and leading to indigestion.Hormonal change:The levels of internal stress hormones, such as cortisol and adrenaline, increased during anxiety. These hormones can reduce gastric mucous genre, increase gastric acid genre, damage stomach mucous membranes and lead to stomach inflammation or stomach ulcer.Gastrointestinal reaction:Anxieties can cause gastrointestinal muscle stress, causing symptoms such as stomach pain, stomach swelling, nausea, vomiting, etc.How anxiety increases stomach diseaseGED:Anxiety increases the abdominal pressure, leading to a flow of gastric acid to the oesophagus, and increases the symptoms of abdominal retortosis.Functional indigestion (FD):Anxiety affects intestinal function and causes indigestion symptoms such as abdominal swelling, abdominal pain, constipation or diarrhoea.Stomach ulcer and stomach inflammation:Persistent anxiety increases stomach ulcer and stomach inflammation through changes in hormones and the nervous system, increasing gastro acidization and reducing gastric mucous protection.IBS:Anxiety is a common accompaniment for people with intestinal irritation syndrome, which increases symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhoea or constipation.Specific mechanisms for anxiety and stomach diseaseIncreased stomach acidity:In case of anxiety, the increased genre of stress hormones can directly stimulate stomach acidization and damage the stomach mucous membrane.Gastrointestinal disorders:Anxiety can lead to stress in gastrointestinal smoothing muscles and to gastrointestinal motor disorders, such as delays in stomach emptiness or intestinal convulsions.Increased internal body sensitivity:Anxiety can increase the sensitivity of the internal organs and cause pain or discomfort to patients in normal gastrointestinal activity.Inflammatory response:Persistent anxiety may increase the response to gastrointestinal inflammation through the immune system.ResponsePsychological intervention:Helping patients to recognize and manage anxiety through psychological counselling and cognitive behaviour therapy.Relaxing technique:Relaxation techniques such as deep breath, meditation and yoga help to reduce anxiety.Drug treatment:Under the supervision of a doctor, anti-anxiety or antidepressants are used to alleviate anxiety symptoms.Healthy lifestyle:Maintain regularity, avoid excessive caffeine and alcohol consumption and carry out appropriate physical activity.Dietary adjustments:Avoid stimulating foods and increase fibre-rich foods to improve digestive functions.ConclusionsExcessive anxiety can indeed exacerbate stomach disease through a variety of mechanisms, including effects on stomach acidity, gastrointestinal movement, internal irritation and inflammation response. Thus, for people with stomach diseases, managing anxiety is an integral part of the treatment process. Psychological interventions, lifestyle adjustments and the necessary medications can effectively reduce the impact of anxiety on stomach diseases and improve the quality of life. However, any treatment strategy should be implemented under the guidance of a professional doctor.