Can HPV6 and 11 cure?
Hello. Is it HPV6 and 11? Can you treat it?
Question answer:
Infection of types HPV6 and 11 usually results in acute wetting. The acute wetting is a sexually transmitted disease caused by the human papilloma virus, while HPV6 and 11 are the main low-risk viruses that cause the acute wetting. Sharp wetting can be treated, and treatment usually works better. Treatment methods include medication, physiotherapy, surgical treatment or Chinese medicine. Patients, under the guidance of a doctor, can choose their own treatment. Through active treatment, sharp hyenas are usually effectively controlled and removed. It is worth noting, however, that HPV infection does not yet have any specific drugs available to cure the virus, mainly for the removal of thallium and for the mitigation of symptoms. Patients therefore continue to need attention to personal hygiene after treatment and avoid high-risk sexual behaviour to prevent re-infection or relapse. At the same time, regular review is important in order to detect and address any anomalies in a timely manner. If a patient is suspected or diagnosed with an acute hysteria, he can add 💬jrsy820 to a private interview.