Can’t a man have a test tube baby?

We all know that in vitro baby technology is being developed to give birth to our own children, but whether in vitro baby treatment can be carried out requires a detailed examination, for example, is it appropriate to be an in vitro baby because of a number of male factors? Is the male factor not fit for an in vitro baby?

In vitro babies need to be informed in advance about the physical condition of both spouses, especially the reproductive function, and men need to examine the quality of semen. When there are cases of insinuation, insinuation, malformation, death, etc., this can lead to a decline in sperm quality, which affects the likelihood of pregnancy.

During normal fertilization, the sperm needs to enter the tubal and fertilise the egg to form the fertilized egg, while for men of poor sperm quality, the reduction in the number of sperms, the reduction in activity, or the small number of live sperms and the small number of normal sperms reduce the number of sperms involved in fertilisation, thus reducing the fertilization rate.

However, for couples of reproductive age who use in vitro baby therapy, the effects of poor sperm quality are present, but are relatively smaller, as in vitro fertilization is used by in vitro fertilization, a generation of natural fertilization, suitable for males with normal sperm quality, and a second generation for single sperm injection, which is particularly poor for males.

So second-stage in vitro baby technology can help men with poor sperm quality to a large extent, helping sperm and egg fertilisation directly through single sperm injection, thus achieving the goal of fertilisation, which can then be transplanted into the uterine cavity by nurturing into embryos. Thus, men with poor sperm quality, even if they have only one normal sperm, can be treated for pregnancy with a second in vitro baby.

The above is an introduction to the question of whether the male factor is suitable for an in vitro baby. If you have more questions about male infertility or artificially assisted pregnancy, you can leave a message or search Kunming Aveveve Hospital for more information.