Radio-frequency digestion, i.e., heart-radiation digestion, is a minimally developed treatment and is used mainly to treat various types of heart disorders, such as twitching in the heart room and hysteria in the room. With this operation, the doctor was able to locate and remove the abnormal electrical activity of the heart and to restore the rhythm of the heart.The core mechanism for heart-radiation melting is the application of radio-frequency energy, similar to microwaves, to heat and destroy specific abnormal tissue areas within the heart, which are often the source of heart disorders. After digestion, the telecommunication channel of the heart was adjusted and repaired to enable the heart to return to its normal beat.Cardiac irradiation is performed in the catheters and patients are required to remain in a flat position. The procedure of partial anesthesia of the patient ‘ s right-hand neck and the vascular of the root of the legs, followed by puncture and the insertion of a catheter, which is similar to that of an intravenous fluid, painless and without the need to cut or stitch the skin. In the process of digestion, the patient does not feel anything different. On average, the operation took between 30 and 90 minutes. Prior to the operation, patients are required to stop using anti-heart disorders for a week or, if Iodine is commonly administered, between one and a half months. After the operation, the patient can leave the bed after 6 to 24 hours, and the entire period of hospitalization is approximately 4 to 7 days. Given the root causes of the radio-frequency digestion, there is no need to continue the medication after the operation and the patient ‘ s life and work will return to normal.I. Illnesses commonly treated with radio frequency digestionCardiac dysentery is applied mainly to the following heart problems:1. Cardiac vibrating (diversion)It is common in the case of cardiac disorders, characterized by electrical activity disorders in the heart room, resulting in a rapid and disorderly beating of the room. Patients may experience heart attack, physical decline or chest depression, while at the same time facing increased risks of stroke and heart failure.2. Indoor sexual hyperactivity (house speed)Indoor speed means that the heart rate originating from above the heart chamber is too high and normally exceeds 100 per minute. Patients may experience heart attack, dizziness or chest pain.3. Pre-regular contraction (Routine early fighting)The main point is the sudden early contraction of the heart room outside the normal heartbeat cycle, which often causes the patient to feel uncomfortable with a “bounce heart beating”.4 Early Room PACPAC refers to the early contraction of the heart room during the normal heartbeat cycle, with in most cases the patient having no apparent symptoms, but may sometimes feel that the heartbeat is irregular or heart attack.5. Speed of the heart roomThe speed of the room refers to the rapid beating of the heart room at a rate exceeding 100 times per minute, which is a faster contraction of the heart room, which may cause heart palpitation and discomfort.6. Cardiac pouncer (room pouncer)The porcelain means that the heart rate of the heart is between 240 and 340 per minute, which is a fast and regular beating, which may cause a lack of blood circulation and lead to an increased risk of haemorrhage formation.Because of the characteristics of these heart disorders, if the symptoms occur, they should be examined in detail in a timely manner.II. Surgery process for radio frequency digestion1. Preparation phase: In order to ensure the safety of the operation, the patient is subject to a series of examinations, such as electrocardiograms and ultrasound cardiac maps, aimed at assessing the state of the heart ‘ s health and confirming the suitability of the operation.Anaesthesia: The procedure is usually performed in a partial anesthesia to ensure that the patient remains conscious throughout the procedure.3. Pipe in: The doctor selects one of the patient ‘ s blood vessels (commonly those in the root of the thigh) as an entrance, and inserts a specially made catheter with a radio-frequency digestion electrode.Precision positioning and digestion: Using the electrophysiological monitoring system in the catheters, doctors are able to identify the source of the abnormal telecommunications and perform digestive treatment using radio-frequency energy.Post-operative rehabilitation: After the operation, patients are required to observe within the hospital for one to two days in order to monitor the occurrence of complications, after which they can be released and continue to recover.Related matters requiring attention after operationAfter the operation, the patient shall strictly follow the doctor ‘ s guidance, including:During the two weeks following the operation, participation in high-intensity physical activity and heavy physical labour shall be avoided;2. Periodic review to facilitate the monitoring of the progress of heart recovery and health;3. Focus on dietary adjustment and a healthy lifestyle.Summary:Cardiac dysentery is an efficient way of treating heart disorders and offers hope for rehabilitation for many patients. A mastery of the basic concept of the operation is essential for rational choices by patients and their families in the face of heart disorders. If the symptoms are relevant, it is important to seek as early as possible advice from a specialist and obtain comprehensive and accurate guidance. Cardiac health is maintained, starting with an in-depth understanding of heart-radiation digestion!
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