Cardiographic interpretation: Searching for the telecommunication code of the heart

The electrocardiogram, like the “recorder” of heart-electric activity, plays a crucial role in the diagnosis of heart disorders. It can transform the weak telecommunications from heart beats into intuitive wave-form maps and provide important clues to the mysterious veil of happiness. Let’s go on a wonderful journey to read the eccentric map.

Basic composition of normal EKG

Before getting a good look at the EKG, let’s get a look at the normal EKG. The normal EKG consists of a series of regular waves, including P, QRS and T-waves. The P wave represents the depolarization process of the heart room, which is the electrical agitation before the heart room shrinks, and it is like the “starting signal” of the heartbeat, usually in a more blunt shape, expressed as a small positive wave on the electrocardiogram. QRS waves reflect the depolarization process of the heart chamber, which is the electrical activity before the heart chamber shrinks, and the form of the wave is relatively complex and large, as the muscle tissue of the heart chamber is more developed and its electrical activity is more intense. T-waves represent the polarization process of the heart chamber, i.e., the recovery phase of a constriction of the heart chamber, which is usually in the same direction as the main wave direction of the QRS wave, and is a smoother wave shape.

In addition to these major waveforms, there are important inter-temporal periods and segments on the EKG. For example, the PPR interval between the starting point of the P wave and the starting point of the QRS herd reflects the time when the heart room begins to be demined until the heart chamber begins to be demined, with a normal range of 0.12 – 0.20 seconds. The QT interval, from the start of the QRS wave to the end of the T-wave, represents the total time of the eccentric cleavage and repolarity, which is closely related to the heart rate, the faster the heart rate, the shorter the QT period, the longer the opposite. ST is the line between the endpoint of the QRS wave and the beginning of the T wave, and it should be on the level line, and if the ST section is lifted or pressured, it tends to suggest that the heart muscles may have ischaemic, lesions or other pathologies.

II. Aberrant performance of cardiac disorders

When a heart disorder occurs, the wave shape, period and segment of the electrocardiogram undergoes anomalous changes, such as the “cipher spatter” of the heart telecommunications, which doctors need to interpret to identify the type and cause of the heart disorder.

1. Premature: Early pace is one of the more common types of heart disorder, including room, room and intersectional. On the EKG, the room’s pre-emergence is shown in the P’wave, which is slightly different from the normal P’s, and the P’R period can be normal or prolonged, and the QRS wave-form is usually the same as the QRS wave from the normal mucous. The QRS wave, which is previously unrelated to the P, T and QRS wave, is the early QRS wave, because the electrical impulse of the QRS wave is rooted in the heart chamber, which has a different channel of transmission than normal lynch impulses, leading to an unusual eccentric cleavage order, which creates a unique QRS wave. The EKG is more diverse and can be shown as an early QRS wave, in a normal or slightly deformed form, and a reverse P’wave can appear before, during or after the QRS wave.

2. Cardiac hypervelocity: Cardiac hypervelocity means a heart disorder with a heart rate exceeding normal range. When the cylindrical heart is moving too fast, the cytological P wave frequency on the electrocardiogram is usually greater than 100 times/min, the P wave form is normal, and there are no significant anomalies in the PR inter-temporal and QRS waves. The hysteria of the room is reflected in the continuous early pace of the room, which is generally between 150 and 250 times/min, and in the P’wave form, which is different from that of the dysentery P, which can be accompanied by a different degree of room transfer retardation, resulting in a lower heart rate than the CPR. The QRS wavelength, which is more severe, is visible on the EKG as a series of wide malformations, usually occurring between 100 and 250 times/minutes, the T-wave direction is the opposite of the QRS wave main direction, and the separation of the room is one of the important features of the QRS wave, i.e., the heart room and the heart room are controlled by their respective pace points and are not related, and can be shown on the EKG as an irregular time relationship between the P and QRS waves.

3. Cardiac overactivity: In contrast to heart overactivity, it means that the heart rate is below normal range. In the case of diarrhea, the dysentery P wave frequency slows down to less than 60 times/min, the P wave pattern is normal, and the P-period and QRS waveforms generally do not change abnormally. A severe cylindrical perturbation can be accompanied by a tamponic stoppage or a lack of cylindrical conductivity, as shown on the EKG for a period of time by the absence of a P wave or by the normal downing of a P wave to the heart chamber. House transfer obstruction is also one of the common causes of cardiac disturbance, with one-time room transfer blockage being extended by the PPR period for more than 0.20 seconds; room transfer block at the second degree can be divided into Morse I and Mox II types, with the P and QRS wave groups being gradually extended, until a P post-P wave QRS band drops and repeats; the Mox II type is a P-phase fixed and part of P-wave QRS waves suddenly fall off; when a 3-degree room transfer blockage, the electrical activity of the heart room is completely separated, the P and QRS wave groups are independent, not related, and the heart room rate is usually slow, controlled by the start point of the heart room itself, and the QRS wave formation can be normal or wide deformed, depending on the location of the heart room.

4. Room tremor: The tremor is a common heart disorder, whose electrocardiograms are extremely characteristic. When the room is tremors, the P wave disappears and is replaced by a f wave of irregular size, morphology and spacing, which is generally between 350 and 600 times/minutes, with an absolute irregular rate due to the extreme disruption of CPR activity, and a normal QRS wave-form, but due to the irregularity of the CPR-R period (the time interval between two QRS waves adjacent to each other) varies widely. The tremors can result in the loss of effective constrictive function in the heart room, which can easily form a thrombosis, which can cause serious complications such as cerebral embolism, pulmonary embolism, etc., and therefore require active treatment and condensation prevention.

Clinical significance and limitations of EKG interpretation

Cardiographic interpretation is extremely important for the diagnosis and treatment of heart disorders. It is able to provide information on heart-electric activity quickly and uninvolved, and helps doctors to determine the type, frequency, severity and possible causes of heart disorder, and thus to develop appropriate treatment programmes. For example, in the case of early-combination patients, where the symptoms are light and inorganic, treatment can be done by improving their lifestyle and removing the triggers, while in the case of patients with severe heart disorders, such as hypercardiatric hyperactivity, timely intervention is required to prevent life-threatening situations such as cardiac arrest, etc.

However, the EKG interpretation is not everything, and it has certain limitations. First, the EKG can only reflect the heart’s recording of the electrical activity at the time, and if the heart disorder is intermittent, it may not be caught while making the EKG, then a dynamic EKG (Holter) check is required to record a continuous EKG for 24 hours or more to increase the rate of detection of heart disorder. Second, the EKG provides some help in the diagnosis of cardiac disorders, but does not fully determine the cause of the disease. It also requires a comprehensive analysis of the patient ‘ s history, symptoms, signs and other auxiliary examinations (such as cardiac ultrasound, blood tests, etc.). For example, one patient ‘ s EKG shows room-based early paces, which may be caused by a number of causes, including myocardia, myocardiasis and electrolytic disorders, which require further examination to identify the cause of the disease and to be treated for better control of heart disorders.

The EKV interpretation is like a mysterious “heart code” break-up trip, where doctors are able to see the electrical activity of the heart, diagnose the type and severity of the heart disorder, and provide an important basis for the patient’s treatment, through careful observation and analysis of the waves, periods and segments on the EKG. But we also need to be aware of the limitations of the interpretation of the electrocardiogram, using a combination of tests and clinical information, in order to be more fully and accurately aware of the heart disorder and to protect the heart health of patients.