What’s mammogram digestion?

What's mammogram digestion?Mammography is a common breast problem for women, and many women find it during medical examinations or self-examination. Traditional treatments are mostly surgical, but in recent years microwave…

Don’t panic! Lung cancer.

Don't panic! What is the sacred artery of lung cancer? Is pulmonary knot equivalent to lung cancer? Lung knots are circular or type shadings with a diameter of less than…

Children coughing, transsexual asthma

Children coughing, transsexual asthmaThe little secret behind the cough, dear parents, we're coming together today to unmask the mystery of children's transsexual asthma. It's like an exploration trip, so let's…

Child allergies

Sensitivity of children is one of the most common allergies in children, also known as mutagenic nasalitis, especially among school-age children. Allergies not only affect children ' s daily lives…