Causes of rheumatism arthritis and treatment

Rheumatoid Artritis, RA, is a chronic, systemic, self-immunised disease, mainly expressed as symmetrical multi-latitis. The following is a detailed description of the causes of rheumatism arthritis and its treatment.

Causes of morbidity

1. Genetic factors: RA has a family conglomeration and is closely linked to genetic presence. Research has shown that the genetic susceptibility of RAs is closely related to the human white cell antigen (HLA) genes, in particular certain homogeneity in the HLA-DRB1 family.

2. Environmental factors: Smoking is one of the important triggers of RA, and the risk of exposure to RA by smokers is significantly increased. In addition, exposure to cold, humid environments may be associated with an outbreak.

3. Infective factors: Certain microbial infections, such as the single tooth cystasy, the Prevo bacteria, the weird mutation bacterium, the EB virus, etc., may be associated with the outbreak of RA.

Immunological disorders: The immune system of RA patients mistook their normal joints as a threat and attacked them, resulting in an inflammatory response to tissues such as cartilage, glitch, lactose and muscular cord.

5. Sexual hormones: females are more likely than males to suffer from RA, and indicative hormones may play a role in the occurrence of RA.

6. Neuropsychiatric state: Long-term stress, overwork, bad moods, etc. can induce and exacerbate the situation.


1. Drug treatment:

– Non-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs): for pain relief and inflammation relief.

– Anti-Rheumatizers (DMARDs) for the improvement of the state of the disease: these include ammonium butterflies, fluoride, nitrous sulfate, hydroxychloroquine sulphate, etc., to control the development of the condition.

– Sugar cortex hormones, such as Penneson, for rapid inflammation control, but not for long-term intensive use.

– Biological agents: biological agents for the cause of cancer causes (TNF)-alpha, white cellulin (IL)-6 etc., e.g., Lisip, Seumira, Yamiro, etc.

Surgery treatment: For patients with advanced joint malformations or loss of function, a joint replacement or joint integration may be used, for example.

Physicotherapy: including thermal, electrotherapy, massage, etc., aimed at increasing local blood circulation, reducing muscle spasms and pain relief.

Immunopurification treatment: rapid removal of immunocomposed compounds and excessive immunoglobins, self-antibodies, etc. from plasma replacement, immunosuppression etc.

5. Medical care in Chinese medicine, which includes Chinese medicine, clothing, acupuncture, etc., is aimed at adjusting the body balance and mitigating symptoms.

6. Lifestyle adjustments: include a reasonable diet, adequate exercise, avoidance of overuse of joints and protection from cold.

7. Psychological support: RA patients are often accompanied by anxiety and depression, and psychological support and counselling are important for improving their quality of life.

The treatment of RA needs to take into account the specific circumstances of the patient and develop individualized treatment programmes. Early diagnosis and treatment are essential for improving the prognosis, reducing disability and improving the quality of life. Patients should work closely with doctors to monitor disease activity on a regular basis and adjust treatment programmes to changing conditions.