Cervical cysts are like long cheeks. Don’t panic.

Cervical cysts, medically known as cervix nabot cysts or cysts of the cervical glands, are the result of gland cystosis due to gland openings in the cervical tube. This situation is quite common in gynaecological examinations, which are usually benign, as is the case with the cheeks, and do not have serious health consequences. Therefore, even if cysts are found, there is no need to panic.

The cause of the cyst.

Cervical cysts may be formed in connection with:

– Chronic cervical disease: chronic cervical disease can lead to the obstruction of the opening of the cervix.

– Cervical palsy: the gland opening may be blocked by plaster tissue during the cervix curvation.

– Cervical damage: such as childbirth, abortion, cervical surgery, etc., may result in cervical damage and, in turn, cysts.

– Changes in hormones: fluctuations in the levels of female hormones may also affect the gestation and excretion of the cervical gland.

Symptoms of cervical cysts.

Most cervical cysts do not give rise to obvious symptoms and may sometimes occur:

– No symptoms: In most cases, cysts do not cause any discomfort.

– Anomalous haemorrhage: in very few cases, cervix cysts may cause post-sexual or menstruation.

– The pelvic cavity: in some cases, the cyst may cause discomfort in the lower abdominal or pelvic cavity.

Diagnosis of cervical cysts

Cervical cysts are usually diagnosed through gynaecological examinations and cervical smears. During gynaecology examinations, doctors may find cysts of varying sizes on the cervix, which are usually round or elliptical, smooth and painless. Cervical smears help to remove preuterine cancer or cancer.

Cervical cystal treatment.

Since cervical cysts are usually benign and do not cause symptoms, special treatment is not required. If the cyst causes discomfort or hemorrhage, the doctor may recommend:

– Observe waiting: if cysts are small and non-symptomatic, they can be reviewed periodically to see how they change.

– Drug treatment: If there is inflammation, doctors may prescribe antibiotics or other drugs for treatment.

– Physiotherapy: e.g., refrigeration, laser therapy or electrocution can remove cysts, but these are usually used in cases where symptoms are evident.

Cervical cystal prevention

While there are no specific preventive measures to prevent cysts from developing, good reproductive health practices can help to reduce the risk of cervical disease:

– Periodic medical examinations: periodic gynaecological examinations, including cervical smears.

– Maintaining good personal hygiene: avoiding the use of irritating washing fluids and soap to wash the vagina and to keep it clean and dry.

– Safe sex: using condoms to reduce the risk of sexually transmitted infections.

– Stop smoking: smoking is associated with cervical disease, which reduces the risk of cervical disease.


Cervical cysts are a common and benign disease and in most cases do not cause health problems. If cystal cysts are found, the specialist should be consulted and properly examined and evaluated. In most cases, cervix cysts do not require treatment, but are subject to regular review. Maintaining good living habits and regular medical examinations are key. If there are any doubts or symptoms, the doctor ‘ s advice should be followed.