1. Strict control over the use of indicators should not be used blindly on the basis of symptoms alone. Increased symptoms of the COPD patients may be caused by a number of factors, such as air pollution, climate change, viral infections, etc. The use of antibiotics is considered when there is a clear bacterial infection, such as coughing, a marked increase in the volume of the acupuncture, fever and an increase in the white cell count, and such patients benefit most from the use of antibiotics. The acute increase in the symptoms of patients, which is not the result, is the result of infections, such as lower temperatures that stimulate respiratory tracts, leading to increased cough and cough symptoms, but without fever and sepsis, no antibiotic treatment is required at this time.
Reasonable selection of antibiotics Based on pathogen selection: Pathogens common in slow-retarded acute pulmonary intensification are: pneumocococcus, haemophilus influenzae and catamola. For patients with a lighter condition without a risk factor for drug resistance, effective antibiotics, such as Amosilin-Clavic acid, can be selected for these common bacteria. If the patient is seriously ill, repeatedly hospitalized, or has a history of long-term antibiotics, the risk of CBS infection and drug resistance is assessed. It’s time to choose the drugs that can fight the drug-resistant bacteria, like Zolasicillin-he Zabatan. Consider the history of allergies: a patient’s history of allergy can influence the choice of antibiotics. If the patient is allergic to penicillin, no drugs such as Amocrin can be used. In this case, it is possible to select either a large cyclopentone or an antibiotic type of fluorophenone, such as a left oxyfloxone or a Mosisa.
III. Note the dosage and the course of treatment The right dosage: the right dose of antibiotics is determined on the basis of the patient ‘ s liver and kidney function, age, weight, etc. Antibiotics, which are mainly excreted through kidneys, are used for patients with incomplete kidneys and need to be adjusted or not used. Failure to do so could lead to the accumulation of drugs in the body and thus to serious adverse effects. Suitable course of treatment: In general, the course of treatment for patients with chronic obstructive acute pulmonary stress is about 7 days, not more than 10 days, subject to the patient ‘ s recovery. A premature cut-off may lead to further illness, while excessive treatment increases the risk of bacterial disorders, even bacterial resistance and the incidence of adverse drug reactions.
IV. Attention to the interaction of drugs The use of antibiotics in slow-retarded pulmonary acutes may be accompanied by the use of other drugs, such as bronchial expansionants and sugary cortex hormones. Some antibiotics may interact with these drugs. For example, when acceacin, fluorophenone antibiotics are used in combination with tea alkali drugs, they increase the concentration of ammonia in the body, thus increasing the risk of ammonia poisoning. Thus, when these two types of drugs are combined, they should be adjusted to the level of the drug, replaced to avoid co-use, and blood concentrations of ammonia alkali should be monitored.
V. Monitoring adverse effects. Different antibiotics react differently. For example, the use of quinone-like antibiotics can have adverse effects such as gastrointestinal reaction, central nervous system excitement, such as insomnia, headache, etc. During the use of antibiotics, the symptoms of the patient are closely observed and, in the event of adverse reactions such as rashes, itching, nausea, vomiting, etc., the severity of the adverse reaction should be assessed in a timely manner and consideration should be given to whether to stop or replace the drug. At the same time, patients are informed of possible adverse reactions so that they can provide timely feedback in the event of an irregular situation.
Acute intensification of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, not specified