Clinical performance and state of treatment of lupus

Lupus is a complex self-immunizing disease, which includes, inter alia, systemic types of red lupus, plate-like red lupus, of which the system is most common and the symptoms are more diverse.

Systematic red hyenas often violate multiple organ systems. On the skin side, the patient may have a typical larvae on his face, which is like a butterfly that crosses his nose and his cheeks, as well as symptoms such as plate-shaped red spots and oral ulcer. Symptoms of joint muscles are also prominent, with most patients suffering from dysentery, swelling and even deformities, muscle incompetence and sores. In case of kidney stress, there are signs of protein urine, blood urine, oedema, etc., which can develop into kidney failure in serious cases. With regard to the blood system, it can lead to a decrease in white cells, a decrease in the platelets, anaemia, etc., and make patients vulnerable to infection, haemorrhage, etc. Heart stress can cause pleural encephalitis, myocarditis, etc., while lung stress can result in pleuralitis, inter-pulmonary fibrosis, manifested in chest pain, cough, breathing difficulties, etc. When the nervous system is exhausted, the patient may suffer from headaches, dizziness, convulsions, mental abnormalities, etc.

In terms of treatment, the main use is now to be made of comprehensive treatment. Sugar cortex hormonal is the basic drug for lupus, which rapidly inhibits inflammation and relieves symptoms such as fever, joint pain and rashes. Small doses of sugar cortex hormones, such as Pennithon, may be more effective for light lupus patients, while for heavy lupus patients, such as lupus kidneys, neuropsychotic lupus, etc., treatment may require a larger dose shock. However, the long-term and extensive use of sugary cortex hormones has many adverse effects, such as heart obesity, osteoporosis, hypertension and high blood sugar, so that these complications need to be closely monitored and prevented during their use.

Immunosuppressants also play a key role in lupus treatment, which regulates patients ‘ disturbed immune systems and reduces the generation of their own antibodies. The most common immunosuppressants are cyclophosphate, mescophenol, sulfur, etc. cyclophosphate is more effective for damage to important organs, such as lupus renalitis, but has side effects such as gland inhibition and bone marrow inhibition; is there a relatively small side effect on McCorphenol and a relatively small impact on the blood system, with increasing application in some patients; and sulfur is often used to maintain the treatment phase.

With the development of medicine, biological agents have become new options for lupus treatment. For example, Bellevue is one-sided, which is particularly resistant to B lymphocyte irritation, reduces the generation of its own antibody, is more effective and is relatively safe for patients who have some hard to treat or are unable to withstand traditional drugs.

In addition, day-to-day health management is crucial for lupus patients. Patients need to avoid suntan, as ultraviolet light can induce lupus. At the same time, care must be taken to rest, avoid overwork and prevent infection, which can lead to an increase in lupus or relapse. The principle of low-salt, low-fat and high-quality protein diets should be observed in diets in order to reduce the kidney burden and ensure the availability of nutrition.

In sum, the clinical performance of lupus is complex and diverse, involving multiple system organs, and many challenges remain in the treatment of multiple drugs and methods. As medical research deepens, more and more effective treatments are expected in the future to bring better treatment and quality of life to lupus patients.