Common problems with breast disease

Breast disease is a major threat to women ‘ s health, with many different characteristics and hazards. Breast inflammation is an inflammable disease of the breast, often occurring in lactating women. The emulsion silt has created conditions for bacteria to reproduce, and bacteria such as yellow grapes have invaded the breast and caused inflammation. Patients suffer from rapid swelling, pain, increased local skin temperature and may be associated with all-body symptoms such as fever, cold warfare and inactivity. Without timely treatment, inflammation can exacerbate mammosis, causing great suffering to patients and seriously affecting breastfeeding. Breast growth is very common among women. The growth of mammograms and the recovery process are uneven, mainly due to endocrine disorders, relative or absolute increases in estrogen levels and relative decreases in gestational hormone levels. Breasts often experience cyclical pain, which increases before menstruation and is reduced after menstruation. The mammograms can touch the knots or swollen swollen, and their size and quality vary with the menstruation cycle. Although mammography is mostly a benign disease, chronic and severe breast growth may increase the risk of breast cancer and cause psychological stress and physical discomfort among women. Breast fibromas are commonly benign breast tumours. It is mainly in the case of an abnormally high sensitivity to estrogen in cell fibres in the mammogram, resulting in tumours due to a long-term estrogen irritation. It is typically shown in a single or more rounded, elliptical swelling of the breast, which is robust in quality, smooth on the surface, clear on the borders, high activity, unconnected to the surrounding tissue and usually without visible pain. However, there is a certain risk of malformation and the swelling will increase, affecting mammograms and feelings and placing a psychological burden on patients. Breast cancer is the most dangerous form of breast disease. The causes are closely related to genetic, hormone-level changes, lifestyle (e.g., high-fat diet, chronic alcohol consumption, lack of exercise, etc.). Early symptoms are not visible, mostly pain-free swelling, hard texture, unclear borders and poor activity. As the disease progresses, there can be nipple spills, which are often of a blood nature; orange skin changes, i.e. skin edema, dents in the furs; nipple dents or tilts on one side; and lymphoma swollen in the armpit. Late cancer cells can be transferred to other parts of the body, seriously endangering life. Understanding these common problems of breast disease helps women to be vigilant, to detect anomalies in a timely manner and to take appropriate measures, which are of paramount importance for the protection of breast health.