Influenza, or influenza, is an acute respiratory infection caused by influenza viruses. The virus is classified into type A, B and C, among which it often causes influenza pandemic, such as the Spanish flu of 1918 (H1N1), the Asian flu of 1957 (H2N2), the Hong Kong flu of 1968 (H3N2), and the influenza of 2009 (H1N1), which in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries was a human super-killer, claiming hundreds of millions of lives. The type B virus is often limited, and the type C virus is generally only distributed and less prevalent. The insulation period for influenza is typically 1-7 days, mostly 2-4 days. The main symptoms of influenza include heat (mostly high), headaches, muscular acid problems, lack of strength, nasal plugs, flue aldicarb, stomach pain and cough, etc. Influenza can exacerbate potential diseases (e.g., heart and lung disease) or give rise to subsequent bacterial pneumonia or viral influenza pneumonia, as well as severe complications for the elderly and those suffering from various chronic diseases or infirmities. The flu virus is transmitted mainly by air-flushing, that is, when a flu patient speaks, coughs and sneezes, a large amount of flu-in foam is sprayed from his nose and throat. The foam hangs in the air, and people around them are exposed to influenza when they inhale this virus-bearing air. In addition, exposure to influenza virus-contaminated tea cups, utensils, towels, etc. may be infected. We can start with the following: It is recommended that high-risk groups such as the elderly, children and chronically ill be vaccinated once a year. It is important to note, however, that vaccinations are not universal and that they do not completely eliminate influenza. 2. Immunization: A strong immune system is the first line of defence against the virus. Maintaining adequate sleep, a balanced diet, proper exercise and stress reduction are effective ways to increase immunity. 3. Maintenance of good personal hygiene: hand-washing often with soap and water or hand-washing fluids containing at least 60 per cent of alcohol. Avoid touching the eyes, nose and mouth, especially without clean hands. Avoiding close contact: In the high-prevalence influenza season, minimize exposure to people in high-population areas and reduce exposure to sick people. If necessary, keep as far as possible above 1 metre. A mask should be worn to reduce the risk of transmission. 5. Maintaining a good lifestyle: spitting, using paper towels to cover mouths and noses when sneezing or coughing, and throwing paper towels into the trash can. 6. Maintenance of indoor ventilation: Both at home and in the office, there should be regular ventilation through windows and air flow. Influenza treatment Antiviral therapy is often treated with drugs such as interferobics, alkylamine and Ostave, which are a cytofactor that inhibits the replicability of the virus, which can act on influenza viral membrane proteins and blood condensed proteins, prevent the virus from entering the host cell, and Ostave can inhibit neurosamate activity and prevent mature viruses from leaving the host cell. Inflammatory drugs are commonly used in treatment to alleviate symptoms. There’s also Chinese medicine. In the event of an unfortunate flu, medical treatment should be provided in a timely manner and medically ordered. In general, flu patients need to rest in a warm and quiet environment and should have more water to keep their mouths and throats wet. Physical cooling or antithermal painkillers can be administered at high heat. Coughing and coughing are treated with cough medicine. At the same time, as far as possible, patients should avoid close contact with others in order to prevent the transmission of the virus. Fourthly, while flu is a common respiratory disease, as long as we have the scientific means to combat it, we can effectively prevent its spread and harm. Everyone should develop the concept of prevention as a priority, from the moment of self-determination and from now on, in order to build a healthy living environment. In this high-prevalence season, let us act together to prevent influenza in a scientific way and to protect ourselves and others’ health. Remember, prevention is always easier and more effective than cure. May everyone have a healthy, happy winter!
Posted inHealth and wellness