Common strain of lung infections

Common strain of lung infections

Lung infections are a common respiratory disease that can be caused by multiple microorganisms. Knowledge of common strains of lung infections is important for disease diagnosis, treatment and prevention.

I. Bacteria


Pneumococcus is one of the most common bacteria that causes communities to acquire pneumonia. It’s Gelan positive. It’s arranged in double-ball. This bacteria usually lies in the throat of a human being, and when human immunity is reduced, such as cold, overtired, intoxicated, etc., bacteria can enter the lower respiratory tract and cause pneumonia. There is an acute outbreak of pneumococcal pneumonia, with high fever, coughing and chest pain. The disease is caused mainly by the generation of toxic factors, such as soluble and sugary mucous membranes, which enable bacteria to reproduce within the pulmonary bubble and cause inflammation.

2. Pneumococcus

This is a gland-positive fungus, which is widespread in nature and can also be found in human skin and nasal mucus. When skin damage or human immunity is reduced, it can easily enter the human body and cause infection. In the case of lung infections, it causes high fever, cough and sepsis. The golden fungus can produce a variety of toxins and enzymes, such as condensation enzymes, soluble toxins, which can lead to the death of lung tissues and the formation of sepsis, and make the disease more serious.

Haemophilus influenzae

Haemophilus influenzae is a bacillus of gland. It is one of the common pathogens for the acquisition of sexually transmitted pneumonia in children ‘ s communities and can also be infected with adults, especially the elderly and people with chronic respiratory diseases. The fungus is usually parasitic in human respiratory tracts and when respiratory defences are impaired, the infection occurs. It can cause symptoms such as fever, cough, cough, etc., which tends to be less acute than streptococcal pneumonia, but can also lead to serious lung infections, especially when combined with other underlying diseases.

4. Bronze Green Sphinx

The Bronze Green Sphinx is a gebrane-negative bacterium that is widespread in the hospital environment, such as medical equipment, water tanks, etc. It is an important pathogen for hospital access to sexually transmitted pneumonia. The bacteria is more resistant, which is associated with a variety of resistance mechanisms, such as beta-implamide. Bronze cystasy can lead to high fever, cough, green sepsis, etc. It can also form biofilms, which increase resistance to microbacterial drugs and the immune system of the organism and make treatment relatively difficult.

5. Ethylene enema

The intestinal Etheria is part of the normal intestinal fungus, but in some cases lung infections can also result from the misuse of gastrointestinal content containing intestinal Etheria, or through various pathways into the lung in the hospital environment. It is a cyanobacteria, causing lung infections that include fever, cough, cough, etc. Since it may carry a wide range of resistant genes, its resistance needs to be considered in treatment as well.


1. White pomegranate

White membrane is one of the most common pathogenic fungi and is parasitic in areas such as normal population cavities, upper respiratory tracts, gastrointestinal tracts and vaginal mucous membranes. When the body has low immunity, such as the long-term use of broad-spectrum antibiotics, sugar-coated hormones, immunosuppressants, or is suffering from immuno-deficiency diseases such as AIDS, the white pyroclacteria can reproduce in large numbers and enter the lungs, causing fungi infections in the lungs. Patients often suffer from fever, cough, white sticky symptoms, and in serious cases, such as glitter, respiratory difficulties, etc.

2. Bacillus

The fungus is widely distributed in nature and its spores are transmitted by air. In the case of lung infections, fungi is the most common pathogenic species. It primarily attacks the blood vessels of the lungs, causing vascular inflammation and the formation of blood clots, leading to infarction and necrosis of the lung tissue. Patients often suffer from fever, coughs, cots, chest pains, etc. For people with low immunity levels, such as organ transplants, patients with malignant tumours in the blood system, the risk of infection is high and the disease is moving rapidly and mortality rates are high.

III. Virus

1. Influenza virus

The lung infection caused by the influenza virus is relatively contagious. It can be divided into types A, B and C, of which influenza A virus is most vulnerable to variability and causes a large-scale epidemic. After the infection, the patient usually suffers from all-body symptoms such as high heat, headaches, muscular acidic pains, and lack of strength, accompanied by respiratory symptoms such as cough, cough and respiratory difficulties. Influenza viruses are transmitted mainly through foam, and are easily and rapidly transmitted in densely populated locations.

Coronary virus

The new coronary virus is the lung infection that has received attention in recent years. It is transmitted mainly through air-respiratory foam and close contact. Symptoms after infection are diverse, ranging from mild fever, coughing, respiratory difficulties from inactivity to acute respiratory distress syndrome. In addition to the new coronary virus, there are other coronary viruses that can cause common cold or more severe lung infections, especially in populations with low immunity.

3. Respiratory fusion virus

Respiratory fusion virus is one of the most common infections in the lungs of infants and young children. It is mainly infected with the lower respiratory tracts of infants and young children, causing caustic bronchitis and pneumonia. Patients usually suffer from such symptoms as cough, breathing and breathing difficulties, which may require hospitalization in serious cases. Respiratory hysteria virus can also cause lung infections among older persons and adults with low immune functions.

There are many strains of lung infections, and lung infections caused by different strains vary in terms of symptoms, treatment and prognosis.