Comprehensive self-management of chronic heart failure (Chronic Heart Failure, CHF) for chronic heart failure is a long-standing, progressive clinical syndrome characterized by the inability of the heart to effectively pump enough blood to meet the needs of body organizations. This situation is usually due to the reduced or impaired functioning of the heart muscles, which makes it impossible for the heart to effectively pump the blood to the lungs and body.For those with CHF, effective self-management is essential to help control the situation, improve the quality of life and reduce the number of hospitalizations. The following are recommendations aimed at helping people with chronic heart failure to manage themselves comprehensively:1. Periodic monitoring of symptoms- Weight monitoring: Weight weighting is recorded every morning when we wake up. The sudden increase in body weight may be an indication of the accumulation of liquids in the body and should be communicated to the doctor in a timely manner.- Symptomological observation: attention is paid to the appearance or deterioration of symptoms such as respiratory difficulties, leg oedema and increased fatigue.2. Healthy lifestyles- Stop drinking: smoking and drinking increase the heart burden, and these habits should be stopped.- Rational exercise: moderate physical activity, such as walking, swimming or cycling, under the supervision of a doctor, helps to improve the functioning of the heart.- Healthy diets: using low-salt and low-fat diets, eating more vegetables and fruits, limiting the intake of processed foods in order to reduce sodium salt intake and reduce heart loads; and eating less and avoiding one-time large-scale feeding, which may impose an additional burden on the heart.- Reasonable drinking water: In the case of patients with liquid leachate, a limit of daily liquid intake is required, with a general recommendation of not more than 1.5 litres per day, depending on the clinical doctor ‘ s guidance and personal circumstances.3. Regular medicine- On time: The use of medicines such as urea, ACE inhibitors and beta receptor retardants, in strict accordance with medical instructions, is not self-reducing or detoxification.- Periodic review: periodic medical review and adjustment of treatment programmes.4. Psychological support- Positive attitudes: Be optimistic and avoid excessive anxiety and depression, which affect health.- Seek help: join support groups or seek help from a psychologist, share experiences and share experiences with others.5. Emergency preparedness- Understanding warning signals: learning to recognize early warning signs of deterioration, such as sudden chest pains, severe respiratory difficulties, etc.- Development of contingency plans: working with families to develop operational guidelines for emergencies, including emergency telephone calls, location of nearby hospitals, etc.- Carrying a medical card: a medical card with basic personal information, disease, common drugs and doses.6. Family environment optimization- Safe environment: to ensure accessibility to the home and reduce the risk of fall; to install a hand in the bathroom to facilitate sitting.- Sleep quality: ensure adequate rest time, good sleep is important for the health of the heart.Education and learning- Knowledge of diseases: take the initiative to obtain information on chronic heart failure and on its causes, development processes and preventive measures.- Participation in educational programmes: participation in health lectures and training courses organized by hospitals or communities to enhance self-management.Concluding remarksAlthough chronic heart failure is a chronic disease, the above-mentioned self-management measures enable patients to control their condition to a large extent and improve their quality of life. It is important to maintain good communication with doctors, follow medical advice and participate actively in their own health management. In addition, family support and social resources are important safeguards for the well-being of patients; reasonable eating habits, regular living practices, moderate exercise and positive mentalities can help patients to better manage diseases.
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