Rheumatism is a complex self-immunizing disease that causes many problems to the lives and health of patients. Midwest medical combination therapy provides a more comprehensive and personalized treatment for rheumatism patients.
I. The Chinese medical treatment characterises rheumatological arthritis as a “paralytic certificate” and considers the human body to be in short supply, and the presence of excursions such as wind, cold, wet, heat, etc., leads to a disordered haematosis. Its treatment is based on a holistic approach and on a dialectical approach. 1. Intra-medicine: Chinese physicians are able to identify patients on the basis of their symptoms, signs, tongues, pulses, etc. The common evidence types are wind and humid, rheumatism, palsy, liver and kidney deficiencies, etc. For different types of evidence, the appropriate formulation is used. In the case of cold and wet wind, which is commonly used as a living parasite to de-wet and spread the cold, in the case of cold and cold, in the case of cold and cold, in the case of white tigers combined with cinnamon soup, the reduction in Tonga is administered as a function of accommodative communication and wind and de-wet. These Chinese pharmacists reduce inflammation, pain, swelling, etc. by regulating the body ‘ s aerobic yang, increasing the body ‘ s resistance to disease, improving local blood circulation at joints. 2. Acupunctures: Acupunctures can be used to facilitate communication, to reconcile aerobics and to stop swelling and swelling by stimulating specific caves, such as the three-mile foot, the blood-sea, the sun springs, the pores, etc. The massage can help to relax the muscles around the joint and improve joint activity. Specialized push-and-punch techniques can ease muscle convulsions, promote the circulation and metabolism of joint fluids, reduce joint rigidity and increase joint flexibility.
Second, Western medicine also has a well-established range of methods in the treatment of rheumatism. 1. Medicines: These include, inter alia, abiotic anti-inflammatory drugs, such as Brophine, aspirin and others, which are quick to mitigate joint pain and inflammation, but do not prevent progress; improved rheumatism drugs, such as amaminotriazine and fluorometrazine, which are the core drugs for the treatment of rheumatitis, which can delay joint damage and development; biological agents, such as cancer cause-of-mortem inhibitors, which are targeted at specific molecules in the immune system, which are more accurately able to control inflammation, improve the condition and have relatively few side effects, and are applied to patients with more serious conditions or who react poorly to traditional drugs. Physicotherapy: improving local blood circulation at joints, reducing inflammation and pain, using physical means such as heat dressing, cold dressing, infrared exposure and ultrasound. For example, thermal dressing can expand the veins around the joint, promote blood circulation, and ease muscle stress; it can be applied when the joint acute inflammation occurs and swelling pain is apparent, it can constrict the veins and reduce local inflating and swelling.
III. The advantages of a combination of Chinese and Western medicine. 1. Improving the efficacy of treatment: The overall management of Chinese medicine, combined with the targeted treatment of Western medicine, will make it possible to control arthritis more effectively, relieve pain, swelling and rigidities and improve the quality of life of patients. For example, on the basis of Western medicine to control acute inflammation, Chinese medicine further regulates the immune function of the body, consolidates the efficacy of treatment and reduces relapse. 2. Reduction of drug side effects: Western drug treatment may have some side effects, such as inflammation of gastrointestinal tracts and damage to liver and kidney function, which can be mitigated to some extent by Chinese medicine. For example, certain Chinese medicines have the effect of protecting stomach mucous membranes and regulating liver and kidney functions, and their use in combination with western medicine can reduce the incidence of adverse effects on western medicine. 3. Personalized treatment: The combination of Chinese and Western medicine can develop individualized treatments based on the patient ‘ s specific condition, physical condition and age. The behaviour and physical state of rheumatism vary from one patient to another.