Comprehensive treatment of porridges for hypertensive heart disease.

The porridge porridge on the “map” of cardiovascular disease is a heart attack of high blood pressure, like a heavy “massive” that surrounds the lives of a large number of patients, posing painful distress and threatening the moment of health.

Knowledge of its morbidity, clinical performance and effective treatment strategies are key to dispersing this haze and returning to a healthy life.

The coronary porridge sclerosis and the “continuation” of high blood pressure are the root causes of the porridge porridge porridge. Under normal conditions, oxygen and nutrient sources are constantly delivered to the heart muscles as a coronary artery of the heart’s “bloodline of life”.

However, long-term hypertension are like “high-pressure water guns” that continue to hit the vascular wall, with increased blood flow impact and damage to the internal membranes, and the lipid enters into the husk and is deposited within the vascular wall, as if the ducts were muddled. Low-density lipid cholesterol and other lipid components, such as cholesterol, accumulate, oxidize, attract inflammation, and gradually form porridge plaques. These spots result in a narrow coronary artery cavity with reduced blood from the heart muscles; and they are unstable, and if they break, the condensation mechanism is triggered, and the blood vessels are clogged in an instant by a blood clot, the heart barrier may follow.

In the early stages of the disease, symptoms are often hidden. When the patient is tired or emotional, it may have a slight feeling of chest pain, as if a short break could be eased and easily ignored if he/she was stuck on a rock. As the disease progresses, the frequency and intensity of the aorexia increases, with pain emitting to the left shoulder, the left arm, and even the neck, and the jaw, and every stroke is as tight as the heart, cold as sweat, accompanied by breathing difficulties, panic and a state of silence when it is severe. Long-term myocardial insufficiency, impaired heart function, causing heart failure, edema of lower limbs, inability to sleep, fatigue, etc., and significant deterioration in the quality of life.

The diagnosis is a puzzle and requires a combination of “scraps”. Blood pressure measurements are the basis for condensed blood pressure ≥ 140 mm mercury column and/or saturated blood pressure ≥ 90 mm mercury column suggests high blood pressure exists; the pressure of the “telecom” section of the EK to capture myocardial hemorrhage is low, and the reverse of the T wave is like the “life password” of the EK; the structure and function of the heart ultrasound, a visualization of the room wall’s motion and blood injection, and an assessment of the extent of the damage to the heart muscle; and coronary pictography is a “gold standard” that is injected into the coronal veins, and can be clearly shown by vascular narrowness, spectonic position, morphology, etc., to help the doctor to make an accurate diagnosis of the condition.

Treatment is a multi-dimensional “strength war” and lifestyle re-engineering is the first line of defence. The diet of “low salt and low fat” is at its core, and daily salt intake is strictly controlled at 5 grams, cutting down “saline can” foods such as pickles and pickles, avoiding high-fat meals such as frying, animal organs, and eating more vegetables and vegetables, whole grains, and high-quality proteins, which would appear to be a “negative silt reduction” for the blood vessels. The movement “activation combination” is a weekly aerobic exercise that enhances the CPR function and helps lipid metabolism, e.g. run, jogging, boxing at the top, and so on, for more than 150 minutes at a time; it works with moderate force training, so that the muscles are strong and the body’s base is solid. Tobacco nicotine causes vascular convulsions, acceleration of arterial sclerosis, alcohol increases the heart burden and disrupts lipophage.

Emotional management is also crucial, with anxiety contributing to a sense of nervous excitement, a surge in blood pressure, the learning of relaxing skills such as meditation, deep breath and so forth, and the creation of a “peaceful atmosphere” for the heart.

Drug treatment is the “primary force” and the decompressive drug is a “detachment formation”. Both can reduce stress and help to reverse myocardial redevelopment, and improve the long-term heart prognosis, the ACEI or vascular stressor II receptor (ARB) that applies to most patients; the extended vascular, smooth-down calcium circuit blocker; and the urethrin can reduce sodium sodium retention, assistive decompression, and often co-opt, which works well. The anti-blood tablet drug is built on a “blood bolt defence line”, with aspirin, chlorpellere, and the blood clot “sniffed” when the clot breaks. This type of lipid-reducing drug “strung” blood resin, which reduces cholesterol, stabilizes the plaster and slows down the process of hardening the porridge at its root. In the event of serious illness, intervention and surgical treatment is “capped up”.

The coronary artery implants appear to be in a narrow vein of “building a bridge”, with a piercing through the skin to sustain it to the point of transformation, and to restore the blood flow with small and rapid trauma; and the coronary artery side transplant (the bridging technique) is “a different path” to create a new “blood supply route” to its own veins (e.g., a large hidden vein, an emulsion artery), bypassing the clogged veins, which applies to multiple pathologies and complex conditions, which, despite the difficulty of the operation, can effectively improve the blood supply of the heart muscles.

The porridge treatment for hypertension heart disease is more than one-time and requires sustained and regular review. Blood pressure, blood resin and blood sugar are monitored and treatment programmes are adjusted; the doctor works closely with the patient, who follows medical instructions and follows the “judgment” of life in order to fight the disease, so that the heart can re-activate and the chapter on healthy life can be continued.

An artery porridge hardened.