Cron disease, a chronic inflammatory swollen disease that affects the intestine, causes many physical and mental problems. An in-depth understanding of their typical symptoms and treatment status is important for the effective management and rehabilitation of patients.
The typical symptoms of Crohn ‘ s disease are diverse and repetitive. Abdominal pain is one of the common symptoms, mostly in the lower right abdomen or umbilical weeks, and can be of a pain nature as a cosmopolitan pain, strangulation or swelling, often accompanied by intestinal acoustic acoustic advances, which is an indication of an increase in intestinal convulsions and creeping as a result of inflammation. Diarrhoea is also prominent, ranging from several to more than a dozen times a day, with a high incidence of paste and rare water samples, and blood is available for serious cases, as a result of damage to intestinal mucous membranes and ulcer formation, which leads to intestinal absorption and genus disorders. Patients are also often associated with a decrease in body weight, and chronic under-ingestion and increased consumption of nutrients due to intestinal conditions affect the absorption of nutrients, leading to a gradual loss of weight and strength. Some patients can have fever, which is a body-wide reaction to inflammation, and low or medium heat is more common, and high fever can occur if the disease is seriously co-infected. In addition, intestinal symptoms, such as oral ulcer, skin dysentery and arthritis, also occur from time to time, which reflects the complexity of Crohn ‘ s disease as a whole self-immunological disease.
Drug treatment is the main means of treatment. Amino-water asyric acid formulations, such as the Mesalaazine, have some therapeutic effect on patients with mild Crohn and inhibit intestinal inflammation. Sugar cortex hormonals, such as Pennsson, are powerful weapons for controlling the condition of patients during their medium and severe activity, which can rapidly reduce intestinal inflammation and symptoms, but the long-term use of side effects requires caution. Immunosuppressants, such as sulfur, can be used for hormonal-dependent or ineffective patients and can be maintained by regulating the immune function. In recent years, the application of biological agents, such as Influenza, has brought new breakthroughs in the treatment of Crohn ‘ s disease, which has uniquely inhibited inflammation factors and has had a significant impact on the hard-to-do Cronian patients, who are less effective in traditional treatment, but are expensive and may increase the risk of infection.
In addition to drug treatment, nutritional support treatment is given high priority. In cases where intestinal conditions are severe and nutritionally impaired, the provision of intestinal preparations or intestinal nutritional support improves the nutritional status of patients, promotes intestinal mucous membranes and even induces the reduction of diseases. Surgery is not the preferred treatment for Crohn ‘ s disease. It is most applicable to patients with complications such as intestinal infarction, perforation and fistula, and has a high rate of post-operative relapse, and still needs to be combined with drug treatment to reduce the risk of relapse.
The treatment of Cron disease is a long-term and individualized process. Patients need to work closely with doctors to adapt their treatment programmes in a timely manner in response to changing conditions. As medical research continues, it is believed that there will be more and more effective treatments in the future, which will give more hope to those with Crohn to better control their condition and return to normal life.