Diabetes diet
These sugary vegetables, diabetics. It is well known that diabetics require special attention in their diets, especially to avoid over-ingestion of sugar. When it comes to sugar, you tend to think of sweets, candy, etc. In fact, some seemingly healthy vegetables also contain a lot of sugar. And then let’s open up the real face of these sugary vegetables and help diabetics better avoid risk. Vegetables are a very important source of nutrition for diabetics and are rich in dietary fibres, vitamins and minerals, helping to maintain blood sugar stability. However, not all vegetables are suitable for diabetics, especially those with high sugar content. So, which vegetables do people with diabetes need to avoid or eat carefully? The following are some of the most common high sugary vegetables: (1) corn: corn, while delicious, has a high sugar content and can easily lead to increased blood sugar. (2) Carrots: Nor can the sugar in carrots be ignored, especially when they are squeezed into juice and the sugar is more concentrated. (3) Beet: The beet tastes sweet, but this also means that it contains a high amount of sugar and is not suitable for diabetics. (4) Potatoes: The starch content of potatoes is high and can be converted into glucose in humans, increasing blood sugar. (5) Pumpkin: The sugar content of pumpkins is not low, especially when it is processed into foods such as pumpkin cakes and pumpkin porridges. How can a diabetic be healthy with vegetables? One key is diversification. As far as possible, different types of vegetables are selected, especially those with low sugar and high fibres, such as green leaves, beans, mushrooms, etc. At the same time, cooking is important. Cooking methods such as steam, cooking or stew are more appropriate to avoid high-oiled salt such as fried or fried. Diabetes patients need to pay particular attention to hidden sugar when eating vegetables. We can still enjoy the benefits of vegetables and refuel for health by diversifying choice, appropriate control and rational cooking.