Dietal control of diabetes patients is an important component of blood sugar management. Based on a number of evidence, the following are detailed recommendations for diabetes diet control:
Select diets with low sugar and low biosugar index: Diabetes should choose diets with low sugar and low blood sugar index, such as rough rice, whole grain rice, wheat flour, etc., which can help control blood sugar.
Control of carbohydrate intake: The daily intake of carbohydrates should be kept at around 40% of the total calorie, avoiding high sugar foods such as chocolate, cake, candy, etc.
Diversified diets: Diabetes should diversify diets, including cereals, vegetable fruits, livestock, egg milk and pulses, with a reasonable mix of 12 or more foods per day and 25 foods per week.
Restriction of sweet and sugary foods: Diabetes patients should refrain from eating sugar-rich foods such as sugar, red sugar, ice cream, glucose, malt sugar, honey, chocolate, sugar, fruit sugar, honey, honey, fruit cans, soda, juice, sweet drinks, jam, ice cream, sweet cookies, sweet bread and sugar cake.
Sugar-free and salt-free: Diabetes patients should use less vegetable oil and animal fat, less fried cooking and more cooking methods such as steam, cooking and stew. At the same time, daily salt consumption is contained within 5 grams, limiting alcohol intake.
Adequate intake of high-quality proteins: Diabetes patients should select good-quality proteins, such as skinny meat, fish, soybean products, to avoid over-ingestion of fatty meat.
Control of total energy intake: Diabetes patients should reasonably control total caloric intake to achieve or maintain the desired body weight to avoid obesity.
Timed meals: Diabetes patients should have regular meals, with a reasonable distribution of food loads and a wide variety of nutritious foods per meal, including healthy fat, skinny meat or protein, whole grains and low-fat dairy products.
Through these dietary control measures, diabetes patients can manage blood sugar effectively, reduce the risk of complications and maintain a healthy quality of life.