Diabetes during pregnancy: Looking for causes and safeguarding health during pregnancy

Diabetes during pregnancy is a common health problem during pregnancy, and it’s not an accident.

Let’s find out more about its causes.

First, the placenta during pregnancy circulates a variety of hormones, such as placenta ulcer, estrogen, gestation hormone, etc. These.

hormonals sustain pregnancy with the “side effects” of increased blood sugar. They will resist insulin.

Use, which prevents insulin from effectively transferring blood sugar to the cell for use, resulting in increased blood sugar levels

High, one of the major factors in the incidence of diabetes during pregnancy. With the increase in pregnancy weeks, pregnant women suffer from insulin.

There has been an increase in the number of insulin samples, a decrease in insulin sensitivity and an increase in the relative insulin insufficiency.

Second, genetic factors also play a non-negligible role. If there’s diabetes in the family, especially

In the immediate family, the risk of diabetes during pregnancy increases significantly. It’s because of some genetic foundation.

It makes it easier for pregnant women to get pregnant because it may affect the body ‘ s synthesis, genus and effects.

There’s a blood sugar metabolic anomaly.

In addition, the health of the pregnant woman is closely related to diabetes during pregnancy. Obesity is a key factor.

Vegetables, pregnant women who are overweight or obese before pregnancy, have more fat cells in their bodies, which interferes with the normal performance of insulin.

Yes, to make the body resistant to insulin. And obesity is often accompanied by bad eating habits, such as high sugar,

High fat and high calorie diets increase the body metabolic burden and increase the incidence of disease.

Older pregnancies are also a high risk factor. Pregnant women over 35 years of age, relatively reduced physical capacity, insulin

The island may not function as well as young pregnant women and be more vulnerable to multiple pressures such as hormonal change during pregnancy

There is an imbalance in blood sugar regulation, leading to diabetes during pregnancy.

Nor should the lack of sport be overlooked. If you can’t sit for a long time during pregnancy, you can lose your body energy, your muscles.

Reduced glucose intake and use results in excess glucose being accumulated in blood, leading to increased blood sugar.

When the causes of diabetes during pregnancy are known, mothers-to-be can target prevention. Before you get pregnant.

Maintenance of healthy weight, proper diet, appropriate exercise, periodic birth tests during pregnancy, close monitoring of blood sugar changes once

Discrepancies are detected and timely intervention and treatment is provided under the supervision of a doctor to ensure the health of the mother and child.