Diabetes need to know how to use it.

There are many areas of maltreatment in the management of diabetes, and it is necessary to inform patients about the following aspects. Mistake 1: The new detection of diabetes, which was found to be at a high level of blood sugar, does not want to cause liver and kidney damage, although the effects of high blood sugar are complications. And the worst thing about diabetes is complications. Thus, in order for blood sugar to meet the target as soon as possible, to remove the toxic effects of high blood sugar on insulin and the vessels of various organs, and to protect and reverse the functioning of insulin cells, the new version of the Type 2 Diabetes Treatment Guide recommends that, once diagnosed with diabetes, lifestyle interventions and sugar-reducing medications should be initiated at the same time, with two-accelerants as the preferred sugar. Mistake 2: Accommodating for sugar and taking large quantities of medication for sugar will also require a process, as well as a combination of diet and exercise. Unreasonable use of large quantities of medicines does not have the desired side effects. Blood sugar drops too fast or too slow are detrimental to diabetes patients. Long-term control of blood sugar in or near normal range, while avoiding low blood sugar or other serious events due to excessive decline in blood sugar. Mistake 3: Frequent changes in medications, unauthorised changes in medications, or unauthorized stoppages, not only have a negative impact on disease control, but also have more serious effects on the body ‘ s organs. The efficacy of the drug requires a process that is gradually emerging as the time of use increases. At present, there is a wide variety of sugar-based drugs, each of which has different mechanisms for functioning and for adapting populations. It should therefore be chosen under the guidance of a doctor. Mistake 4: Only take medication and do not re-examine blood sugar, while understanding the control of the condition and the effects of clinical treatment, can also serve as an important basis for the choice of drugs and the adjustment of their quantity. There are patients who do not pay attention to regular review and feel that they have been in a state of constant treatment and feel psychologically secure, but in practice, if the drugs fail, they are treated as untreated. Some patients have been on medication, which has led to complications. Misdirection 5: Advertisement of light faith and health-care diabetes is a chronic, life-long disease and neither Western nor Chinese medicine has yet addressed the root causes of diabetes. Advertising that it is possible to treat diabetes is a false and unconvincing propaganda. There is no single product that can be used to cure diabetes, and some patients, through their own efforts, take good care of their diets and sports and are now the best way to treat diabetes without medication. Mistake 6: Fear of insulin and the belief that `dependent’ insulin is one of the physiological hormones necessary for the management of our own pancreas metabolism (especially sugar metabolism), and that no one is separated from insulin, and that the need to supplement external insulin depends entirely on the patient ‘ s own insulin levels. Insulin must be used for life if the β-cell function of insulin is completely depleted, which is a medical necessity and is completely different from “dependence, addiction”. Insulin treatment must be initiated in a timely manner in cases of long-term serious type 2 diabetes, where insulin treatment is often less effective or even less effective because of its near-depletion insulin. Mistake 7: Once medication is used, the treatment of diabetics is a combination of dietary control, exercise and medication. Clinical practice amply confirms that medications need to be combined with dietary control and physical exercise to achieve good sugar effects, which can be significantly reduced if the good diet is not closed. It is also detrimental to blood sugar control, which increases body obesity, increases insulin resistance and increases insulin burden and accelerates β-cell failure. Diabetes